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About Firetwisterz

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  1. Firetwisterz


    Hmm, try right clicking the game in Steam, going to Properties, Local Files and click Verify Integrity of Game Cache.
  2. Firetwisterz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could use some food and water, along with a spare water skin, if anyone can help me. Game randomly glitched and when I spawned, I only spawned with my Makarov and a green chem light, with my medical supplies, food, and water all gone. My food and water indicators also glitched to blinking red. =/ Any help would be very appreciated. Steam name is same as username.
  3. Firetwisterz

    Game is frozen but me?

    So this has happened in every server I join. I start out where I last logged, and I can move around the server. I can pick up gear, however there aren't any zeds. And players don't move, they're frozen. I can't kill them either, I've tried shooting them in the head. Then, when I log out and restart the game and log back in, I'm back to my original spawn with none of the items I had picked up before. Same thing too where the server is like "Frozen" except me. I believe I downloaded the Beta Patch and the update? Maybe it didn't work? Not sure what the problem is ...
  4. Firetwisterz

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I believe it was CPL Krobar that came on and helped me out, so thank you very much to Krobar. And thanks haha. Just feels weird to pop into a random channel I suppose.
  5. Firetwisterz

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Joined up on the TeamSpeak and am reregistering to the forums with my Steam Name so that there's less confusion. Lost on what to do now ._. Kinda too shy to ask around on the TS haha.
  6. Firetwisterz

    Looking for Military/Realism Group

    SIR, yessir!
  7. Firetwisterz

    Looking for Military/Realism Group

    Ah yes, I actually signed up on your forums a few days prior, however I didn't know where to go from there. xD. I'd love to join though, I appreciate the objectives CQF has set forth. And I'm about as good of a survivor as they come, Id never fire at another person (without extremely good reason). Which is partially why I need a group, my personality type doesn't fair well out in the wild. Anyways, I signed up a few days ago, but now what? I'll join your Teamspeak server asap and add you on Steam though.
  8. I won't lie, played through my first few lives tonight; I'm about as new as they come to Arma. And it made me realize, it's ridiculous to attempt to play this alone. So I am a big military simulation guy, so I was wondering if there were any out there that were joinable. I'm East Coast US. If not, I'm really looking for any Realism Group that would be looking for a rookie. Thanks. Steam is same as my account name.
  9. Firetwisterz

    DayZ not being detected?

    Sorry, I'm not too good with technology, so I don't exactly understand the question. I just launched the game via Arma 2 Combined Operations. I didn't set any options. O.o
  10. Firetwisterz

    DayZ not being detected?

    I checked and it's not listed there. =/
  11. Firetwisterz

    DayZ not being detected?

    So I downloaded DayZ via the Worrom Downloader, but when I start up the CO, the Mod isn't recognized (in the top right corner it doesn't say Dayz) and it gives me the you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz etc. I looked in the Arma 2 OA folder and the @Dayz folder is there and full. What should I do?