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    gtx 770 should I?

    Definitely would jump on the possibility of getting a 770 for $100. The extra money saved on the $419.00 770 will definitely help upgrade later.

    Calling all lone-wolves out there!

    Hey, i already have a steam group created, sounds like your more tactically oriented, so the group name fits what your going towards.Im 28, and I work wed-sun, but am on late night 1-2am till 5 am mountain time, and sunday and monday nights all night. Check out my steam group Marine Expeditionary Unit. Have a couple people so that we can coordinate outside of dayz. PM me if you wouldnt mind me tagging along.

    wanna team up

    what server you play on devilishgrl.....still looking for a good server to play on as well with less lag. For some reason I have found that the higher the ping on the server, better my fps and connection is for some reason. Weird..

    wanna team up

    Sent a friend request on steam for ya budman, just add me, and we can coordinate something, have a cool group of people. let me know.

    Sweet, Cold revenge, share your stories!

    Really good stuff guys. I also have had the sweet taste of revenge linger on my tongue. I had spawned on the coast close to elektro several times, not knowing the first few times, there was a sniper waiting on top of the hospital for any un-suspecting player to wander within his sights. I had been killed about twice by him, not knowing exactly where he was. I found some binos from the grocery store, and looked around for anything out of the ordinary, and finally saw him. Be it the Gods, or fate, i found an enfield in a warehouse with 3 clips. I snuck around the backside of elektro, ducking behind buildings so as not to give him a clue where i was, making my way to within sight of the top of the hospital. I finally get a position to fire on him within 75-100 meters, when a zombie hits me from behind, threw off my sights enough for him to return fire and break my legs. For some reason or another, the Gods smiled on me again, the zombies didnt attack me, they just looked at me and screamed and growled. The sniper thinking i was dead by zombie, didnt even look over the railing again. I made my way crawling to the hospital, grabbed some morphine and blood, and crawled to the closest ladder to the roof. By the time I was up the ladder, he was looking at the wall, like he was logging out, I took aim, and fired 2 shots directly into his left temple, dropping him instantly, he had and m-16 ACOG, I took it gladly, along with other useful, miscellaneous items. I felt so alive, I crave now for someone to take me down just to avenge my death yet again!!!!

    Random Dayz and Takistan: Lifestyle issues.

    ok so essentially, lingor map i would put in @dayz_lingor_island, etc and so forth...

    Random Dayz and Takistan: Lifestyle issues.

    andhere exactly would i specify each of those paths? sorry, i just got back into pc's and everything related. could u specify exactly where to go. thanks.

    Sweet, Cold revenge, share your stories!

    Sick story dude. Really nerve racking i assume. But worth it. Sounds like a line from Die Hard, or at least something Bruce Willis would say. right on!!!
  9. Hey guys. Had some random issues and errors with dayz last few days, tried to get the lingor map working, didnt work, while trying to get that working, it messed my Chernarus Dayz up to the point where i couldnt play. I uninstalled all the content, and reinstalling as soon as i get home from work. I hope that works out all the bugs. Any other suggestions from ya would be awesome if youve run into this issue along with any steps to remedy it. Thanks guys!!!

    Looking for team mates on DAY Z : Origins

    If you guys got room for one more, I'll tag along, not the most seasoned player, but I can be useful.
  11. I would definitely enjoy reading more. I look forward to coming back and seeing what you've come up with.
  12. Well done. I have to say, if DayZ needs storyline editors for the SA, I would definitely apply. You have a rare skill to be able to make my eyes give way to an imagination that I had thought was long dead. Again, well done.

    First murder

    i remember my first murder and last one more recently, all within a week. first one was on the coast out of spawn, guy didnt even notice me, had to have been in first person with no peripherals, both had glocks, one shot one kill, headshot. dropped like a sack of potatoes. last murder however was a little lack luster, guy was in gear in one of the guard towers of belota medical tents, went michael myers on him, one hatchet hit, and down, instant death. felt a little bad being that he didnt even react when i climbed the tower, but, oh well, how was i to know if he didnt have a pistol in his pack. Its dog eat dog in Dayz!!!!!

    Can't get the game to play

    the errors i ran into when i first installed a couple weeks ago were limited to bad version, server rejected. my fix was not messing with the path in my folders, only simply launching from steam instead of the shortcut, and play with beta patch, or dnld dayzCommander, and update beta patch. either way works fine.

    Can't join any servers "Bad version"

    I have found also if DayzC gives u issues, I found that solving that takes only accessing days through steam directly, and choosing play DayZ with Beta patch instead of arma2: oah DayZ. But that way u guys suggested sounds like a more permanent solution.