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About fttfbass

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    On the Coast

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  1. I've played the Daizy mod. The few helicopter crash sites I visited only spawned junk as well. Not worth the hassle of having 40 non nerfed zombies after you.
  2. fttfbass

    All alone yet I here gunshots

    I installed single player dayz, and I completely agree with this. I have it for my kids who are both kind of at an in between age for a game like dayz. I have no problem with them shooting zombies and scavenging for supplies, but I don't feel it's appropriate for them to possibly deal with some of the inappropriate douchebag comments that could come from other players via either side chat or VOIP. I've come across some examples of some pretty raunchy stuff being said. The whitelisted server that I do play on would probably ban someone for it, but they'd need proof. I did mess around with Daizy for a few days. I am one of those losers that bought Arma II: CO just to play dayz. I now have a firmer grasp on a few things that I probably should have learned from Dayz, but got a little curious and did them in single player.
  3. fttfbass

    All alone yet I here gunshots

    Here's a tutorial on how to install it: It does get boring fast.
  4. fttfbass

    All alone yet I here gunshots

    Spot on post. I must have an older version of Daizy than you. I've literally had bandits appear out of thin air within 10m of me. Luckily, they are slow to react. Unfortunately, sometimes they spawn in behind you when you're in the middle of something. Doesn't really matter much. Daizy is for my kids now. I did a bunch of experiments to see how much damage my body and vehicles could handle and then got bored of it. Back to DayZ for me. :ph34r:
  5. fttfbass

    All alone yet I here gunshots

    He wasn't dumb. Ok, maybe a little dumb. As noted in my previous post (after you posted this, just reiterating in case you skim my novel that I wrote), he was a fellow survivor that was there to help you. They hang around you shooting at the bandit and sniper npc's that do want to kill you. Occasionally, they accidentally shoot a zombie that happens to be caught in the crossfire. I hope you at least stole your friends coyote pack and got a decent gun off of him. :P
  6. fttfbass

    All alone yet I here gunshots

    I downloaded the single player mod (Daizy) for my kids to play. I have previously played it, but it gets boring fast. The only thing good about the single player version is that the zombies are MUCH harder. One shot fired in Cherno will have a zombie train follow you across the map, unless you use a building with 2 entrance/exits to your advantage. There are NPC's in the game. I didn't know this at first either. Then all of a sudden I heard shots being fired from various guns and directions. The NPC's with the green diamonds are your friends. They shoot at the bandits and snipers that try to kill you. They accidentally shoot the zombies when they're in the way. Congratulations, you killed your only friends in the game. Every time you visit a new larger city, you get 2 new buddies usually around the churches. You also get a few bandits and snipers to deal with in each town, as well as an occasional one between towns. The NPC's do not get zombie aggro at all. So, they are free to shoot at you as they please, while you'll have 50 zombies after you from firing a single shot. After you've visited every city once, you no longer have any friends. But, the bandits and snipers are very rare after that, too. Your survivor friends, bandits, and snipers all spawn in sometimes at the most inconvenient times and locations. They also spawn in with random firearms. Anywhere from Makarovs magically spraying you from 300m out to some of the rarer military guns. I once had a bandit spawn in about 10m from me with an AKM on full auto. I didn't have a chance. He shot me unconscious and then I had 50 zombies munch on me for dinner. All NPC's have a coyote backpack. So, you'll quickly have the largest backpack in the game. Make sure that when you first spawn in, that you have a backpack equipped. If you don't, for some reason the game won't let you pick one up at all. Keep hitting restart until you do spawn in with a backpack. Sometimes one of your survivor friends will spawn in with a decent military weapon. Those are the ones that I would kill quickly. They are extremely trigger happy and never seem to kill the bandits, so they go through ammo fast. With that all said, regular Dayz is much better. In single player, all the loot is yours for the taking and if it doesn't have a green diamond it wants to kill you. Online you don't know who wants you dead and who doesn't. Unfortunately, the online zombies are way too nerfed at this point. The only way I die from zombies online are if they glitch through a wall or floor and Mike Tyson my ass with a 5 minute countdown of unconsciousness. I'll leave it at that because I know the "we want easy zombies so we can go around killing each other easier vs it's a zombie apocalypse survival game, the zombies should be a threat" topic comes up fairly often and gets pretty heated.