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About Vyse

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  1. Vyse

    Am I a bad person?

    I like this paradox. Haha.
  2. I would pay a monthly fee if i had to, but, I'm not sure how they'd justify it, even if they did go to a lot of effort. As has been said, its the wrong model and the wrong type of gamer to try to market the benefits/justification of it to.Edit: DLC/expansions is a good idea.
  3. Vyse

    DayZ Stories

    Today I spawned in rocking the patch and I was going about my business looting Chernogorsk. I met a ghillie suited survivor by the shopping center. He announced friendly. We chatted, it was his first day playing and somehow he'd found two ghillie suits in one day. Seeing as he was lucky enough to nab a suit and I was (am) about to head to bed, I decided to give him matches, a hunting knife and a compass and I told him to head north. Oh, and told him not to use the Lee Enfield he was holding. lol. Good luck stranger.
  4. Vyse

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Made me laugh so hard.
  5. I don't think anybody, much less they are denying it. But it's a simple fact that Bohemia Interactive did not charge you anything for DayZ. Even though Rocket is an employee of BI, he did it all on his own, for no money. DayZ as a mod was always going to hit a brick wall. There is only so much you can push out of a game like this when it's a mod of an engine he wasn't in a position to mess with. He only has a small portion of the CPU's processing power to play with because the rest of it is dictated by ARMA2. For him to make DayZ the best it can be, it needs to be stand alone, and it needs to be something that makes money so that there is motivation for BI to help him. They want to create great things. They want to feed their families as well, and yes, DayZ is moving copies of ARMA2, but it's doing that without any input or involvement from BI aside from small bug fixes which were scheduled to happen with or without DayZ since there's more to ARMA2 than DayZ/
  6. 30 days. Teleported into the sky :(
  7. Vyse

    DayZ Stories

    Cheers to Jake, a survivor I met in Chernogorsk. Thanks for a great game. It was a good run and a bit of a refreshing experience teaming up with somebody ala the way you might have in this game a while ago and played this game in a fashion that I hope maybe reflects an ideal DayZ experience from a survivor point of view. Or at least one of the many that can make this game so fun. I say it was refreshing because for the last 30 days, I have been on the same character and alone for the entire time. Sadly, being on the wrong server at the wrong time meant that on the 30th day, I fell victim to a hacker teleporting everyone into the air and dropping them to their deaths. Goodbye NVGs. Goodbye UAZ. To be quite fair, I did accumulate the stuff that I did by playing low population servers, so, I don't feel too bad about losing it all. After a few derp attempts at starting again, I get on tonight with a fresh spawn and make my way to Chernogorsk. I'm playing on a maximum capacity Australian server. It's night time. I'm raiding enterable houses here and there. I approach a barn, find a few items including a Winchester. Great. I go to walk down. I stumble and fall off the stairs and into a broken leg. I crawl the rest of the way to Chernogorsk, narrowly avoiding one player who is running the other way, as well as Zeds everywhere. I make it to the medical tents, expecting to just get a hatchet to the back the whole time. I find an MP5 and ammo for it on the ground. Cool. I find a Coyote Backpack. Awesome! But no Morphine. I crawl into the second tent and heaven delivers a box stocked full with items, including morphine. I stock up, and then start heading towards the nearby hospital. I'm in 3rd person view and over the wall I spot somebody crouch walking. I'm in a corner with short walls to either side of me. I go prone, MP5 out. I'm tense, I wiggle the camera around and see him moving about. I thought about letting him go, but instead I take a chance. I call out "Hey you, by the medical tents". After a nervous discussion, without him (who I later learn is named Jake) sighting me yet, we exchange stories of how we got here, and eventually I decide to just approach him. I run into the open and jostle my character about, and he doesn't shoot me. I don't shoot him, and the danger seems like it's over. We raid Cherno, heading down towards the supermarket, sighting a running survivor running from Zeds down one street, and avoiding the church, which seemed to have attracted Zombies eating a downed survivor. The Supermarket didn't provide much, there was a survivor in there, but the female character seemed mute, and despite our efforts, didn't speak to us at all. We looped around and raided the apartments, nearly losing each other as Jake was forcefully disconnected and reconnected just before I'd given up hope and had finished looting the apartments on my own. We head north, checking the farm buildings north west of Vysota, and whilst we were aiming for Nadezhdino, we somehow veered to the right and hit Mogilevka instead, although at the time we didn't realise it was Mogilevka and so when we kept running North, trying to hit Stary, we ended up hitting Grishino somehow. I'm not even sure how we ran so far without realising, but we did. All along the way we had looted, shared stories of survival attempts past, he has been playing for 3 weeks and whilst he had been to the NW airfield, he hadn't made it to Stary Sobor before. After realising we were in Grishino, we decide to take a shot at the North West Airfield. Daring and suicidal, yes, but we'd made it this far in this amount of time, so we didn't have a great deal to lose and everything to gain. We approached from the North, and quitely attempted to loot the northern hangers and barracks. Nothing. Not a thing in any of them. I couldn't say I was suprised, my experience on populated servers tells me they are often looted already. As we're looting I say "If one of us gets killed while we're raiding, then GG", and he agrees. Seeing as there wasn't many Zeds, we head towards the Radio Tower across from the six hangars and the Fire station. Zeds spawn, and Jake aggros them. The server is laggy, and we're struggling as we discover barbed wire in front of the tower. Then as we're running, sniper fire rains down and Jake goes down. I'm not sure where it's coming from, and after some looking around while I run, I see flashes coming from the roof of the fire station. Before I make it to a hangar, I'm hit and I break a bone. I try to crawl, the sniper finishes me off. So yeah, GG Jake, stranger I met in Cherno and teamed up with. In an age filled with KoS and hackers :)
  8. Vyse

    Looking for an Australian Squad

    I'd be keen. Have been playing for a while. Recently lost a 30 day old character to hackers and their shenanigans :( I usually play in the evening. Between 9pm and 12am AEST
  9. Vyse

    Died after a long time..

    I had a 30 day old character til the other night. Every player on the server was teleported into the sky and dropped in the same location :(
  10. Vyse

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    (Typing mad because my browser crashed midway through) The best idea I have seen in this thread with regard to a depression mechanic is the introduction of more ambient noises. I have noticed whilst playing the game that the ambience (whilst predictable) is unsettling as is. Things like the random noise of something brushing against a chain link fence. I like the idea of the character becoming more sensitive to sounds. Maybe a lone player should start hearing more sounds, making it harder to listen for themore important ones since you'll start second guessing what you hear. Its simple enough to resolve on your own, you turn your head and look. But if you're being forced to do this more as anxiety sets in, then there comes a balance between wanting to keep the 'emotions' within the player to deal with as they're conditioned to do, and introducing a mechanic that may reward players for seeking out strangers. Symptoms of depression can include either increased or decreased appetite (usually the latter), insomnia, lethargy and loss of concentration. These are all things that can be represented through simple impairments like being slower to perform actions or slightly decreased accuracy. Don't want to deal with these? Team with somebody, or be forced to carry anti-depression medication. Maybe your character's mood should be affected by a certain 'humanity score' as well. Anxiety caused by gunning people down might also make you more sensitive to the audio cues of the environment. People might be hunting for you. Just my $00.02