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Everything posted by fml

  1. fml

    Zeds -> Animation and movement!

    Yes, this is the way dayz is. There are some limitations because of the arma 2 engine it uses. They are working on it however. They have also made some great improvements and will only get better as time comes, naturally.
  2. By they you mean the bandits/deatchmatchers? I know they will oppose this, they're the only ones opposing this. We had the bandit skins and it was a good system IMO. I was a bandit yes, got -36K but managed to lowered it until -18K, so don't tell me it's impossible to be friendly. I only killed other bandits and try to let survivors go. People who ruin other people's fun need to be punished, it's that simple. I don't care if they call me a carebear, atleast I didn't buy this game to play DayZ and I try to post constructive ideas. Right on brother! :D
  3. By this Sunday? no way! Oh' date=' of course not! I think it will level out at about 20 minutes, but by this sunday it will maybe go down 1 minute. Assuming the life expectancy counter is the mean of all the lifespans, it will go down at a slow rate considering there have been over 5,000,000 spawns. [hr']
  4. Yes. I think it's perfect. The newcomers seem to like it as well. by the way you would probably be suprised at how many americans have guns in their home.
  5. I've never read "The Road" and in Shaun of the Dead, I know that a stupid example, but they are still co-operating to survive the threat of zombies. They aren't killing eachother just because its an apocalypse. And while I agree that the walking dead turned into a huge drama fest, I am still, only trying to make the point that they arent killing eachother on sight. Remember when Glenn saw Rick in the tank surrounded by zombies? He didnt shoot him, he helped him. He even risked his life to save him. You never see that in dayz. They didnt kill eachother for fear of being killed themselves just adds to my point. People know they are going to die too. They still kill eachother for no reason, but not in the real life example. Too busy eating their own bread? Have you any idea how deprived of food they were? The only reason they didnt turn on eachother and steal their food is because they were united. In that horrible place, they knew they had to stick together if they wanted to live. In dayz it doesnt matter what you have, you are killed for sport.
  6. fml


    Yes. Is this a trick question? disclaimer: I have never played CoD.
  7. I'm not sure Rocket entirely cares about the growth of DayZ' date=' at least not to the extent where he would stop an update to realism because people say they'll leave. Also, it's not making people conform to how they want to play, it's making them conform to realism, which is what this mod is aiming for. [/quote'] People play this game like counter strike in that they shoot you any chance they get. To me, in my opinion, it is a bigger issue than where you see from. It's like playing a zombie mod and you accidentally spawn in a CoD map. Every player shoots you. That's not how I imagine a zombie apocalypse.
  8. I think the heartbeat system is the best solution until we get a seriously groundbreaking idea going. Visual indicator is too obvious, but the heart beat range is too short, according to popular opinion. I think making crows follow bandits or circle around bandits would be a worthwhile idea. Only a few crows from a distance, making it really subtle and easy to miss or mistaken for a normal situation. Crows are a symbol of death, universal laws, and making tough decisions. I think it would fit quite nicely.
  9. Post a suggestion about differentiating bandits so that co-op is more accessible? NOPE! CAREBEAR! OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Dont let him explain that the idea is not even remotely about the game being more "carebear" Just tell him he is mentally disabled! Yeah... How about no? You crazy elitist bastard. /austin powers reference
  10. Thats too bad. I'm not wasting my time debating with trolls' date=' retards, and 13 year olds. Dont cry now [/quote'] You're 24, you're on the low end of age in this community. I am 23, I didnt enter my birthdate correctly. And that is fine, what I was getting at was the ignorance and immaturity of the community, and yes I realize not every 13 year old is immature or ignorant.
  11. So if you dont like to play dayz like it is coutner strike, then youre a mommas boy. Got it. I'm gonna get on dayz and kill everyone, since that is the definitive way the game is meant to be played. Thanks for your input.
  12. fml

    A Hard Day's Nourishment

    If you can't find a canteen, then you can't utilize fresh water sources. Keep looking, and put extra drinks in your bag when you can. Food and drink is rare in the recent updates. I didn't find water or food until my third town, when my thrist was completely red.
  13. I am echoing you. What does that say about you?
  14. Thats too bad' date=' dont cry carebear [hr'] This.
  15. Thats too bad. I'm not wasting my time debating with trolls, retards, and 13 year olds. Dont cry now
  16. Welcome to counter strike with zombies.
  17. fml

    People...WTF is wrong with you?

    welcome to counterstrike with zombies
  18. I completely agree. A fluid population makes that difficult to implement. There seems to be many of them on this forum that bark at anyone threatening their advantageous position. They come across people trying to co-operate' date=' kill them, and dont give a fuck about the game or its direction, because they just because they got some beans. [hr']
  19. Okay yes hollywood is hollywood, but in real life I would not be shooting everyone on site. Would you? Or would you run around rambo style killing spree?
  20. They grouped up' date=' gathered supplies, picked up more members, people attempted to kill them less than 90% of the time. You have got to be trolling. You are only taking the attacks in the movies into account. Do I really have to list all the times... [hr']