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About strikerforce

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Come and join us, you will not regret it!
  2. Hello, I would like to announce the opening of your new sever! Come join the excitement and build yourself a grand base! Dayz Epoch Server IP: OR SEARCH dayzbox Website: www.dayzbox.com Teamspeak 3: ts3.dayzbox.com Details and features: Epoch ChernarusVeteran DifficultyActive AdminsMissionsWebsiteSnap BuildSelf Blood BagVehicle towingHelicopter Lift24 / 7 Day (May change)4 Hour RestartsCheap Plot PolesZero MaintenanceRULES: No hacking or scripting of any sort!Respect all players!No combat logging! If I find out, you will die!Stay off side chat!HAVE FUNNN!!
  3. strikerforce

    Vehicle spawn issue

    I'm trying to make a custom private hive server with heli crashes but every time I spawn a heli in with a script and the pilot gets in the heli blows up. How can I fix this issue? Thanks!
  4. strikerforce

    Spawning units in dayz

    My script works perfectly on just plain old Arma 2, but for some reason DayZ doesn't want it to work. It has to work server side too.
  5. Hello, I am trying to get a helicopter to spawn with a unit in it. I can get the helicopter to spawn without an issue but when I want the pilot to spawn nothing happens. here is my vehicle spawn script. _crashtemp = createVehicle ["UH1H_DZ",getMarkerPos "spawn",[], 0, "FLY"]; blue = creategroup west; _unit = blue createUnit ["Functionary1_EP1", getMarkerPos "spawn", [], 0, "FORM"]; _unit moveInDriver _crashtemp; Once again the heli spawns but the pilot doesn't. If you know whats wrong please help me. Thanks!
  6. Hello, Server IP: This server is a private hive server located in the UK that has admins watching all the time. There is a increased vehicle spawn rate which means more vehicles. PvP is ALLOWED on this server. Difficulty is on VETERAN. There is a little more military loot in the game too, no buildings were added. The server is 24-Hour day Monday-Friday, And on Saturday-Sunday it is day and night based on server location. There will be a site soon to check your stats on the server. Report players or give suggestions at dayzboxuk@gmail.com Sincerely, DayzBox Team
  7. strikerforce

    Dayz Private Hive Credit System

    DMing bandits
  8. Hello, I just have a quick question. My brother and I were in a heated discussion over if having a credit system was a good or bad idea. How it works is if you kill bandits you earn a little bit of credit and you can go to our site and buy, not real money, gear that will be placed into your account. On re-logging in you will then spawn with the item. If that isn't a great idea, I was also thinking of giving humanity to player that kill bandits so there is at least some reward for killing them. Please leave feed back. Thanks!