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About jianu81

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  1. Didn't they say that the mod will be updated too ?
  2. Any thoughts about the Devblog ? I am thinking about the new zombie AL because dean said that it will be reworked from scratch.Sorry for my bad english :(
  3. jianu81

    Choking persons from the back!

    Well why they are camping I think you can
  4. jianu81

    Choking persons from the back!

    Not choking yourself,chocking the person
  5. i'd like to see when you are behind a person to choke him from the back
  6. Does anyone seen a creepy axe hacker with a baby song ?( it doens't fucking die )
  7. Will dayz SA require subscription ?
  8. jianu81

    Maps or countries you would like to play in

    It would be better if it is on an island(some kind like the map of far cry 3 because we all know that is better to loot small vilages than towns) maybe near ecuator like... South America or other don't say im choosing my own country because i'm .....romanian
  9. jianu81

    Become a infected!

    If you are infected and you don't cure your infection you eventually become an infected when your blood goes too down
  10. jianu81

    New in Dayz - custom map advice

    What about Namalask ?
  11. jianu81

    New in Dayz - custom map advice

    I tried them but now i'm searching an map wich is more urban(doesn't matter if it is desert) wich would you recomand it ?
  12. jianu81

    New in Dayz - custom map advice

    ok i shall try thx but what about Panthera Island ??
  13. First Time i played Dayz i loved it but i hated the map! Because 70% of the buildings are not entrable,is there any map with a lot of buildings:houses...etc entrable ? Sorry for bad english.Also i don't want to be a Desert map