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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. depends on how much bandwidth u get a month if under 10000 gigs, maybe 2. i run 2 40 man servers and it eats almost 15000 gigs a month.
  2. Hive isnt saving shit, something is wrong with the hive at the moment.
  3. Everyones does, there is a issue with the new hive. seems like things are not saving at all, they keep reverting back to when the new hive came to be.
  4. These guys should be blacklisted until they start fallowing the rules simple as that. Or the devs need to send out warnings to there host. Until they start fallowing the way every other dayz server does it.
  5. bumping this so that a dev or mod can read this, this server indeed breaks rules and needs to be blacklisted. The odd thing too is that they cut the server off at the correct time so they never truly have to deal with nighttime either on this server.
  6. The clan that runs this server was raided by a few of my friends, reason we found there base was because they tell everyone on the server where there base is. and we snuk up and killed a few of there members GMS and then after they started falling like flies they decided to start kicking all of us for no reason at all. Just a fair warning to avoid this server, perhaps blacklisting this. It also seems they have a daytime only server as well.
  7. Look above use the search feature. use it. and of course if u watch the interviews with rocket in them, he actually said verbally that he leaves the server admins to run the servers as they wish, which is why u dont see blacklisting for this type of banning.
  8. Actually since rocket has left us to run and mantain our own servers its actually up to us now. as u have heard him say plenty of times. He doesnt micro manage the servers anymore. and like the devs and mods say here, if they dont like the outcome find a new server. theres plenty of servers out there for him to play on.
  9. Well like I said dont care. there are other servers hes welcome to play on. As for the ban it sticks as I dont trust him. if 1-2 players were saying he was hacking id say ok, but the fact 2 of my admins seen it, and 3 other members on different days reported it,. I find it hard to believer that 3 random players that dont even know each other report him is a so called jimmy bob said so, ive been doing this type of thing for many of years. and never have i been led the wrong direction by my admins which have been with for 4 years on another game and regular members that i talk to on a daily basis in game. so yeah i will go with the jimmy bob said so route. and like i said earlier, plenty of other servers out there he can teleport around on. As for my servers, hes perma banned. Not taking any risks.
  10. Dont care, at least hes off my server. and if he was innocent then players wouldnt of reported him to me for no reason. And hackers already have won, the game is so overrun by hackers it is hard for us to even warrant proof anymore. I can see if this was a once in awhile thing,. but tons of hackers are all over the place its like a plague that gets worse as the weeks go on.
  11. i got off what my admins say and the regulars in the server, Thats enough for me and its my server, so what i say goes. due to the amount of hacking. Hes not getting a ban removed. Sorry too much hacking goes on now to even warrent any proof. I know the devs wouldnt blacklist over a suspected hacker as even they know there are more hackers it seems then actual legit players. I can tell u this i find at least 2 hacker boxes a day on my server. So who knows what else is going on when im not there or how much teleporting is going on ESP hacking ect. Ill take the risk over banning a hacker to get blacklisted, at least thats one less hacker my members/players have to deal with. If you have an issue with this then take it up with one of the devs and have them provide us server owners with better anti cheat methods otherwise this is how its gonna be until things get safer. Dont trust anyone anymore.
  12. U were banned for reported teleporting into bases, as since there has so much hacking going on latley i take the word of my regulars and admins that were on at the time. sorry but we are playing it safe with the amount of hackers out there at this moment. sorry please find a new server to hack on.
  13. Facefucker said u were not invisible but 2 snipers and one guy i know on steam said when they shot at u, u disappeared for them. Face fucker said u were u came out of the super market and he was in there and then all of a sudden he said u were in there. but when they all checked it showed u in the server. so we are gonna play it safe here and keep the ban as we cant trust anyone atm seeing as the amount of hackers that are in the game.
  14. You were banned for going invisible. we had 2 snipers that were admins confirm this. as you would go randomly invisible, this was also msgd to me on steam that someone named Mavrick was going invisible in electro. seeing as there are so many hackers in this game atm, and 2 of my admins seen this. we decided to ban to be safe.
  15. Actually we killed a hacker spawning a helicopter and then he was banned, I guy named Dan in our server. and we flew over cherno and u guys starting shooting us. then we killed u. ( we landed somewhere outside cherno. then 5 mins later u somehow got into the helo we stole from the hacker and when we killed u, you had NVGs and a bunch of other items. I find it hard to believe that a person that just spawned from dying would have all these.
  16. Hey there I am the owner of the server. I was on the server when this happened, and one of our clan guys, It was in fact a hacker which I did ban after i shut down the server for a moment. But I do assure you we were not involved as we were getting mowed down as a bunch of people were screaming. But we did go in the logs and ban the teleporter. He is banned on both our servers Us 100 and Us 105. However this is one hacker out of 100 or so we have banned in the past week.
  17. Renting a server is a poor choice, get a dedicated box and have more control over it. then the place u rent from really doesnt bother u.
  18. guys the beta patch isnt working for dayz atm, so if you updated to the newest beta u wont be able to play dayz until the devs update dayz or u rollback to a earlier beta.
  19. I have been hearing rumors that helis are coming back very soon, is there anyone that can confirm this rumor ?
  20. Hey buddy if ur gonna troll and wanna be mod in this thread then report it, dont troll the thread if ur not gonna add anything that is useful.
  21. dont wanna use the search function it gives old outdated info. This topic is to provide new and updated info.
  22. Well I own the servers and someone hacked a bunch of aircraft into our server and dropped a nuke, we banned those that spawned the jets, I assume they were the ones with the nuke as well.
  23. there making it an option in the next patch i heard for admins to enable it if they want it.