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Posts posted by newtee2

  1. Of course there is nothing really to do other than kill players, surviving is rather easy, there are barely any zombies, and a lot of features are missing. With this said however, the purchase is worth it in the long run because as more content is added the game's price will increase. Your investment of 29 dollars (assuming you liked the mod a lot) will pay off and deliver several hundred hours of content over the next three or four years as content will be added and people will create new mods and maps for the game. 


    I would like to say one thing: Don't over indulge on the game in its current state. 

    • Like 2

  2. I agree third person is kind of an unfair advantage and this isn't really a third person game. I believe it ought to be rid of, but keep helicopters. Limit helicopters to civilian models and make sure that parts are difficult to get. 

  3. Err... I thought this was a topic about our encounters with bandits, but I will tell the story of my first bandit encounter.

    A week or two before DayZ became immensely popular I was running from the first barracks at the NWF to Stary Sobor getting gear. After almost getting shot at Stary by two non-bandits at the military tents I decided to head north west. After enjoying a nice campfire in the countryside I decided to head towards Vybor. I stopped at a nearby warehouse that was all by itself. I hid in a nearby bush and picked off a few zombies with my M4 SD and then noticed a bandit walk past me.

    He was getting a drink from the local pond that was surrounded with reeds or some sort of tall grass. He was armed with an AKM and I decided I should take him out because he might have stalked me and he is a dirty bandit after all. I crouch walked towards where he was, and being afraid that he might have heard me and might kill me I aimed in the general direction of where I thought he was and fired three times and then ran. He fired one bullet and was quickly surrounded by zombies. I got the kill. I picked off the remaining zombies and the body ceased to exist. He might have disconnected or it was part of a glitch at the time. Either way, I remember my first kill.

  4. Agreed. Why go through all the hassle of an out dated expensive distribution method just because of a childish feeling of hate someone for some reason has against steam.

    I can understand hate towards Steam, at least in its early days when it was first conceived. It was very buggy and had loadsaproblems, and many ridiculed Steam back then. As for today, the most common reason to hate Steam is because it is 'forced DRM'. I can understand this reasoning.. In order to play a multiplayer game on Steam it must always be running, and in order to install some games you must have a Steam account and Steam must be running. Is this inconvenient? Yes and no.

    • Like 3

  5. from what i have read people are not "getting their knickers in a twist about using VAC", the issue is steam itself from what i read and my personal POV, i dont buy games that require steam as i do not wish to be locked into a service that could be gone tomorrow and i do not apreciate giving up my basic consumer rights.

    i would like to correct one misconception you seem to have, people do not lose their steam account if caught using cheats, only the use of the games using the engine they cheated in, nothing changes compared to now, i read that people who get banned by the current anti-cheat used by dayz can just buy another CD key, people that cheat in steam can make a new account and repurchase the game, also because VAC does not ban instantly a cheater can keep griefing for "days or weeks", to quote online sources, before VAC actually kicks in, this to me seems like a considerable downgrade compared to the current situation where if someone is caught by the dayz anti-cheat they are instantly banned.

    As I can understand one not wanting to purchase physical copies of games that require you to log onto Steam, which in turn requires an internet connection, but one not wanting to register and purchase games on steam because 'it could be gone tomorrow' is ludicrous in my opinion. Steam has been around for many years and I do not see any reason for it to go away anytime soon. VAC, Punkbuster, and many anti-cheating systems are fundamentally flawed. I agree with what Rocket states in his earlier post:

    The short and simple truth is that there will be hackers. Period.

    We are changing the architecture to reduce the impact of these hacks, and we have VAC that can act as something of a deterrent to the those hacking. More and more, I am convinced the best way forward is to provide the ability to run private servers, for private communities. This is the absolute best thing we can do to combat hacking, and the easiest. So we must remain vigilant and do what we can, and this base architecture change will drastically reduce the hacking options - but overall giving the power and ability for communities to manage themselves will be the most powerful thing we can do.

  6. rocket said..

    take for example the zombies in the mod. They have five "sections" each (for each section, the GPU must do a new render pass) and over 8000 triangles when including the head. In the standalone, zombies have 5000 triangles and one section. This makes a big difference.

    This is just the model I hope, not the "hit boxes", you see, I like to kneecap em !

    + Can I call them Zombies too ?

    I've been insisting on infected.

    Hitboxes and models tend to be different to my understanding.

    • Like 1

  7. Hey Rocket. I believe you mentioned in a press conference that there would be servers that have 4 hour days (24 ingame hours for 4 real time hours) and 24 hour days, which is essentially real-time as it is currently in the mod. Now I was wondering how will you address the issue of food in regards to these timescales?

    Currently in the mod you have to eat about once or twice an hour depending on what you are doing, but there is always an abundance of food wherever you go. Do you intend on keeping the level of hunger the same and making food scarce, or do you intend on having a realistic hunger rate while making food scarce?

    I may be getting ahead of myself here, but do you believe that there will be some sort of demo or beta build of Day-Z at the BI booth at E3 for exhibitors to play?

  8. I can't believe people get mad because he all of the sudden doesnt release a patch every other day like he did for a while. It's rediculous. You guys that do that are an insult to him and nothing more.

    I'm actually glad there hasn't been a patch in a long time. Everything has been pretty stable since

  9. I believe this is not the best approach. Since players duck into buildings to get a chance to pick off zombies and use his or her's ammo, having the zombies run around would just cause the player to camp inside buildings for the most part.

    What I'm trying to say is that the current system of zombies walking toward you in buildings is at least threatening even if it's barely threatening. Zombies just sticking to the outside when you are inside a building is not threatening in the least bit because they are not trying to attack you.

    I do believe that zombies attacking the player in buildings currently isn't very threatening, and definitely needs to be revised.

  10. The beta offers an unheard of type of post processing AA that doesn't have a major effect on game performance. It's called SMAA and this is how you enable it:

    my documents/ARMA 2/ARMA2OA.cfg

    These two values should look like this:



    Change the values to '3' :



    Here's a whole page on SMAA


    Here's a page by BI:


  11. +1 from me and a 5 star rating' date=' I m tired of only being friends with people in my gaming clan on this game, in fact we even got our own 10 man private/locked server just so we don't have to deal with a random "pubbers" coming in and killing us for fun. This is whats killing the game for me right now, I have been playing this mod for 1 week now, I have died 8 times total, 6 of them have been to other players, 2 times were to zombies.


    I also believe that it's because of the influx in new players who expect this game to just be a shoot 'em up video game. Nothing the devs can do to stop this of course :(

    If you choose to shoot on sight that's a decision for you or your opponent to make' date=' not for the game to enforce.

    Become scared of people for a while, change your tactics to minimise conflict.

    Seriously, I've played the game for a week or more without encountering another player in that time. This is on full servers


    That's not very fun. I've played the lone wolf a lot and camped up north, it is very dull. This is supposed to be a multiplayer mod where people do stuff whether it's forming alliances or killing a certain group of players they dislike. The shoot on sight mindset is what's killing this game for a lot of players, and it should be semi-enforced by the bandit system in my opinion.
