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Everything posted by JASONG79

  1. JASONG79

    Two hackers to report.

    this is why i get shot every two seconds..im not a freaken hacker!!
  2. does it save in this server and do tents work? been on on server for 3 days (first time ive played dayz)managed to dodge all the bad guys and build up my stuff so i could stay alive with out any hassle from trigger happy players....then while ;lying down miles from everyone my leg breaks and death screen...after 4-5 hours in this one stint i felt like crying,was such a good start and felt i deserved abit more in 3 days worth of game time...instances like this make me just want to stop playing this game esp wwhen you respawn and you have no tent to go to. sorry for the ramble,so annoyed by whats just happened 8 )