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Soviet Tiger

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Everything posted by Soviet Tiger

  1. Me and my group of friends ( one has Fraps footage and is working on it) were at cherno at night on this XGI clan server. Only like 12 people, 5 or so of them were XGI- 8/9/2012 -11-12 pm Eastern Time List of XGI names Gemini Mozzy4Ever Gerzounds Vapor Bourbon Other Players on the server Cleric Loki Dima Krom AND- Haywire Haywire was kicked for rocks2.pbo earlier... So, the story is this- a Ural with 2 guys is driving at night, we freak out when we hear it. It drives nearby us, and they get out. we had NVGs they didnt, they were 100 meters away and my friend shot one with the DMR and the guy logged out. the second guy was running around, then drove off in the ural-Super fast. Like unrealistically, Jet engine powered fast.(obvi speed hack), he came back and we threw grenades at him, they exploded really close to the truck but did nothing (they did kill zombies and deafen us). He kept on driving past. We built a fire on a hill because we were blinking temperature. when we were sitting around the fire, goofing off( we thought the guy in the ural was long gone, as we didn't suspect hacks at this point in time) saluting each other, a DMR shot kills my friend. Me and the other friend sprint in serpentine patterns through the woods, trying to find this guy. I died from a shot the was right next to me, as I saw the smoke from the shot, but no one was there. My friend logged off after he found out that the guy was hacking, since he saw him appear in front of him and speed away. I respawned near cherno, and decided to check the place again. I encountered the dmr fag in the woods again, and hid behind a tree. he was circling my tree, and I was counter circling, maintaining cover. He then kicked in his speeed haxXXXxxx and I still maintained my cover. He then turned invisible. while still moving. I then ran away from the tree and started acting Russian in direct chat. He then appeared and shot me. Please check into this server/Clan/whoever was active at the time. We have no idea who was the hacker(just assumptions and speculation) since there was no nametages on the server. -VETERAN. Please reply/ PM me if more info is needed. Thanks. PS: Check out my Sig. :P
  2. Soviet Tiger

    Players in last 24 hours: less every day

    Uh, when was it EVER 700,000 in 24 hours. I have NEVER seen it at that number, and highly doubt it ever was, considering Skyrim, when it first came out, only had around 250,000 players, and Skyrim sold ALOT more copies than this game+mod. Maybe you should get more solid info next time...
  3. Soviet Tiger

    Rocket, don't charge money for the maps please

    To the OP- Paraphrasing -> Rocket's standalone will restrict community content for this awesome game. My answer is this: DayZ IS community Created content for that Game that people forget about "Arma 2". Standalone for DayZ will improve the experience, for "Community Created" content doesn't exactly exist. (besides Lingor Island and Fucking Hacks/Scripts) Now, onto the idea of buying maps, I'm all for it, since it IS a choice for the players, and Rocket can receive a reward for his hard work AFTER the product is finished. Personally, I disagree with your statement about "clutter" among the community. It simply won't disrupt the community at all. And if you are that sore about people being split up, then I'm sure 5-10 dollars wouldn't exactly be a big bill to pay for some extra content. When it comes to standalone, they will have to workout a balance between open source/ community accessibility and the original way the game was meant to be played (Lockdowns need to happen in final product to prevent the flood of hackers). If you are so sore on the idea of not being able to mod etc. etc. go play Arma2- that's what it's made for.
  4. Soviet Tiger

    audio options

    VON is voice over Network- Voice communication. Maybe use our good old friend, Google? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+Voice+over+network
  5. This is only true in the case of that .22 round colliding with vital organs, such as the heart, or the carotid artery. But in the case of a .50 caliber round, it doesn't need to hit a vital organ. Being an Anti-Material round, it's damage to metals and common building materials is devastating. The effects are ten fold on a human. Needless to say, if you are hit with a .50 caliber round, whatever limb was hit, no longer exists, and if you were hit in the chest/ abdomen, you wont have a body left.
  6. Soviet Tiger

    Why this mod is failing

    I truly laughed at some of this guy's post. Also, TL;DR. -You have to use your imagination in order to keep "End game" fun. Put yourself in risky situations for a thrill Etc. Etc.
  7. Soviet Tiger

    will dayz stand alone come to consouls

    To the OP: Please, Lrn2Grammar
  8. Soviet Tiger

    Spawn on the beach, with my stuff?

    I believe it has something to do with joining servers with a different patch than your client.
  9. Soviet Tiger

    Need guille suit

    It's not a Guille suit, it's a Ghillie suit. And They are everywhere, just look bro. ( Not exactly "everywhere" but they are not that hard to find.)
  10. Soviet Tiger

    Trading SVD+Mags for AS50+Mags

    I've already traded with Valdorian. Good trade.
  11. Soviet Tiger

    Trading SVD+Mags for AS50+Mags

    I'll do it. I'm going to add you. Good trade
  12. Warning: Contains Profanity. Reader Discretion is advised. I logged in the game in Polana grocery, since last night the server crashed while I was in it. I also noticed my backpack was cleared of my items :/ but, no biggy. I left the town and shot a cow for meat, and realized I didn't have an axe to cut a tree. I could've sworn I had an axe.... Then I notice across the field is a Helicopter crash site, I use my binoculars and see a M107 or As50 by the wreck! But that's when it happened. I heard something behind me. It was a little kid singing- "It's raining, it's pouring...." I turned around and saw the axe murderer running at me. Now I had seen videos of this type thing before and knew that screaming would only give the guy his satisfaction. So I took on the role of big black man- Derrel. I started yelling in direct chat at him ( after I shot him with my Lee Enfield, which did nothing- Nice HAX bro) Saying "Cmon Nigga, whatchu got, you ain't got shit, nigga. Man you a pussy, can't do shit man. Man I tear yo ass up, dawg. Man you better stay back or I'll fuck yo shit nigga." His first swing broke my legs, and he finished me off ( nothing I could do). He then whispered to me "I got you now..." <---- Yeah, real scary, sOOOOOOOOOOOoOoOOooooo Scared. -_- So yeah. I was hoping my black voice scared him more than he scared me. :P
  13. Soviet Tiger

    Is it safe?

    I just saw a red messege in game from BattlEye, and they apologize for the inconvenience. blah blah blah.
  14. Soviet Tiger

    Death to hacks

    Not much you can do about the hackers besides wait for standalone. :/
  15. Soviet Tiger

    AKM or M4A3 CCO???

    AKM is super common, and ammo is everywhere for it. It can zero up to 800m but is only effective to 400 meters, and is also super loud. M4a3 also has super common ammo, and has a nice Red dot reflex sight. Slightly less damage than the AKM Effective range of 300 meters, but is almost half the loudness. http://dayzdb.com/database/weapon-comparison
  16. lol, Okay. I don't mind what anyone thinks, I just felt that something like that had to be shared. I'm sure you would agree. Edit: I don't feel bad for anybody, especially when I'm supposed to. So... no.
  17. Soviet Tiger

    North dead or just my server?

    I have been having this problem as well, and I change servers frequently just to see if anyone is around. Only saw 1 guy at Stary in the past week. And we managed to kill each other, lol. I even made a post called "Where's Waldo?".... :/
  18. Soviet Tiger

    Hackers and random bans :(

    We all know. Not much we can do besides avoid higher population servers to avoid those mass server nukes. And be wary of low pop servers that are owned by clans, because most of them hack too.... So, yeah. Kinda SoL if you are looking to find an actual server, and not a hackfest. Just gotta be patient and not rage if you lose your gear to a noob Script-Kiddy.
  19. I'm glad you guys found this post, and can confirm our sightings. Now we just need to get these guys banned.( Whoever they were...)
  20. Soviet Tiger

    The Hunger Games Style

    I just feel that it wouldn't fit into the whole atmosphere that DayZ currently has. Interesting suggestion though. Btw, why wasn't this posted in the suggestion section?
  21. Soviet Tiger

    Why do my tents keep getting discovered?

    People have the false sense of security when they place their crap in the woods. I have found countless amounts of tents when just running between cities. So dumpy.
  22. Soviet Tiger

    Snipers ruin the game. NT

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62334-the-tactical-significance-of-sniper-rifles-accumulated-rebuttals-and-why-theyre-here-to-stay/ Please read. At least skim. This might show you the importance of Snipers.
  23. For the past week I have died once, by a hacker(Surprise, Surprise!). In all these hours spent in game, I have not spotted a single other player, and I play on 40 player servers. I lurk around Stary Sobor, and occasionally check out the NW airfield for any action; I have yet to find that action. Berezino is now Barren-zino. Stary Sobor has turned into Snore-y Sobor. I've definitely been around to all the "Hot spots" multiple times, and explored some smaller places nearer to the coast as well; never to spot a player besides my teammate. So, does anyone have an idea? Where are you guys playing at, did the Artifacts scare everyone off? :P Please indulge me with your sweet knowledge! TL,DR: Where the hell is everyone? I wanna snipzorz some people.
  24. Lol, that Tsuokalos guy.... ALIENS. Back on topic- I would like to see what some people have for their themes. I Have mine set to a Dark Knight Rises theme :P LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Catwoman: My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men. Batman: This isn't a car.