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Everything posted by Jasonn

  1. I'm rather a experienced player to DayZ, but I stopped playing for some time and I am now wanting to get back into it. I'm looking for a rather small organized clan that has fun with firefights, has teamspeak, skype, or vent. I'm mainly looking for a clan that plays mainly on US servers, if it's not a US server the ping would have to be rather small ex. - under 100. When I play I put forth a lot of dedication, which I hope to receive in return.
  2. Age: 17 Can you speak English: Yes Steam Name: Drakoo4lyfe47 Country of Residence: U.S.A How long have been playing DayZ: Since it came out Do you have any military experience: Not old enough or I would Why do you want to join the Red Devil Company: I've been playing for so long, on and off in clans, I just want to find one where things don't go wrong. What can you bring to the clan: I can bring many benefits, I'm patient, I help others out more then myself, I'm a good shot, I cover fire plenty, I can be a good leader if need be.