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About Twitchy040

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    ns canada
  • Interests
    baked beans and always getting a super rare blood type
  1. love the new items, killed a dude with a sawed off shotgun lastnight. made me :D
  2. Twitchy040

    These Vehicles And Clothing - Lore Friendly Suggestion

    A amphibious apc along the lines of a BTR 50 would fit in nicely.
  3. Twitchy040

    These Vehicles And Clothing - Lore Friendly Suggestion

    i am a fan of this list minus the tanks, apc w/o wep would be fine or even just a lmg version( with exposed gunner)
  4. Twitchy040

    bouts dayz server 24 7 daytime (Public/3PP:ON)

    yet another bump straight to the top
  5. they would but atleast they would have to work for it
  6. Twitchy040


    they had a UN stile cop car in the mod and a more city lookin car too.. both would be good o see
  7. personally i don't like this, you would have people deleting to avoid sickness or get a better spawn i think
  8. Twitchy040

    Become a Zombie/Walk like a Zombie

    yeah i wanted to play it... but i saw a few videos and thought man it would take ALOT more than this for me to ever one anything nintendo post N64
  9. Twitchy040

    Become a Zombie/Walk like a Zombie

    if you want #1 go play that WiiU zombie game. and i could take or leave #2. well the idea is alrright but i dont see it being added
  10. Twitchy040

    Bulletin Board

    isn't a half bad idea
  11. Twitchy040

    door sounds

  12. Twitchy040

    Ammunition/Weapon suggestions

    non lethal would be good, the tazer would make a nice little addition to the spawn list. not too keen on non lethal ammo for firearms. may be a bit harder to implament