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Everything posted by Spider0804

  1. Spider0804

    How do you get satchel charges?

    Ther like a 0.1% Chance at military places
  2. One of the best fixes yet. Suckle the sweet teet of justice you off-mappers. Now you have to play with the same conditions as legit players. Next its going to be "Oh herp derp I didnt know duping was an exploit as it was not explicitly said it was."
  3. Spider0804

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Buddy this is a PVP game not a PVE game, if you think zombies are any sort of threat you need to re evaluate how you play the game. Hell on average before I died wether its voluntary respawn to go meet friends or being killed in pvp I generally have 300+ zombie kills. That his no rare feat either, I have seen people with 2000+ Zombies just are not a threat. Why play the game without people? If it were possible I would play on a 200 person server and let the good times roll.
  4. Spider0804

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I saw that before you edited it ... mr mature.
  5. Spider0804

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    * [FIXED] Object cleanup causing significant (huge) performance issue on servers (reduced by up to 50%, means more players + zombies possible) Bring on 75 player servers please!
  6. Been doing this since fencing came back 20+ down 1 mil to go
  7. Play with a group Play with experienced players Trust no one
  8. Ah so today I decided to shed my banditness after respawn...after killing myself. I killed myself because 3/4 of my group died to a sniper at nwaf and I would rather lose my gear and be with friends than run back. SO a friend logs and its me and my two buds...we encounter another person on the coast and normally I would have bludgeoned him to death with a hatchet I found but I said "Hey want to come along?" Clearly with a Russian accent the man managed "yes I'd like to go" Ahhh the three became four again and as we ventured we talked heartily on direct chat. I was a friendly at last. I even wondered..."Why was I so mad at people , shooting on sight?" Eventually the party of four made it to Cherno and we looted the buildings happily...content to have the company while gearing up. The Russian was clearly new as he asked me how to drop a crossbow bolt for my friend. Our group was lightly armed with one crossbow and one hatchet but that was all we needed to face the army of zombies and the apocalypse. As we traveled from the South East to the medical tents right next to the east hospital a tragedy occured... shots were fired. A crazy man with an m4 clearly saw our party of four...lightly armed with two flashlights a hatchet and a crossbow. It was obvious that we were just numbers to him, a way to make his murder count go up quickly. Our party of four became three as my friend struck the m4 weilder with his crossbow and went down. Three became two as the man mercilessly killed my other friend who was wielding a flashlight. I was next...it was all over in a second. Sadly as I sat there contemplating my hate of the world...our Russian friend fell...surely in a blaze of hate filled gunfire. I remembered why I hated the world I remembered why I shot on sight. I remembered why I am a bandit. To the bandit that shot four basically unarmed people , you are what make friendlies into bandits. I will never trust again, murdering all except those who are unarmed... without exception. I will continue this cycle of hate until the end of time... and believe me... I WILL enjoy it.
  9. Spider0804

    Body Despawn Time

    Hm well Ive killed myself after surviving for 5 days a few times just to enjoy gearing up.
  10. Well if the guy on US 64 was a hacker, then he was a nice one. Was offering rides for everyone on his taxi route...picking up and dropping people off. Why cant people do crap like that more often.
  11. Ch 47 is a chinook you realize? I think only hueys crashed or flying are in the game.
  12. Ther on certain tester servers, I am pretty sure US 64 has them enabled...if not then someones been spawning them.
  13. Spider0804

    Body Despawn Time

    Risky buisness that is, Sometimes bodies dissapear instantly still and if not probobly 20 minutes...take you atleast 30-45 to get up there. The hourglass is just plain retarded but I always have a friend to epi me out of it. Horay for workarounds.
  14. Spider0804

    Most depressing moment of DayZ so far

    What the hell compelled you to do this? You were 90% safe from them and you still shoot? Seriously' date=' what was going through your mind at that moment? [/quote'] "I want my murders to go from 0 to 1"
  15. Killed 5 people today and 4 out of the 5 were just dandy but right after I killed number 3 at the NW AF 2nd to last hangar on the west, Dude fell over and his body instantly sunk into the ground like it was being hidden. Before someone derps, He was alone so there was not some phantom friend pulling shenanigans with his body. I got the kill credit so I know it was not a disco. The problem is definitely better because before 60%+ of the players bodies would disappear. Just wondering if this a one off occurrence or if it is common. Anyone else have this happen?
  16. Spider0804

    Dissapearing Player Body?

    I do not think it is as intended because one of the guys bodies stayed around for 30+ minutes when I went away and came back.
  17. Spider0804

    Most depressing moment of DayZ so far

    There was a person who was down the road from me holding just a flashlight running from zombies. I proceeded to kill the zombies and the person looked at me...I shot her right smack in the head. It didnt matter if it was a female char or not I just felt like a dick for doing it. If i could have done it differently I would have invited the person to drive around with me. Just knowing someone was unarmed and that I shot them...sadface.
  18. Spider0804

    AKM or Enfield?

    I am partial to the einfield but i always travel with friends so I do not have to worry about having an effective rifle vs zombies. I would say the akm, if all else fails you can go out in a spurt of full auto glory.
  19. Spider0804

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Cz 550 ammo combination?
  20. Spider0804

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    * [FIXED] Hatchet takes up too much room (can now be transferred between toolbelt and primary slot through gear action) * [NEW] Flashlights can now be packed to toolbelt also (gear action) Well thats awsome! One other suggestion would be to show the cz550 some love on ammo combinations, I dont know if any other gun has the same caliber but seeing as a dmr mag now = 4 m24 mags it made the m24 ammo extremely easy to get while the cz 550 ammo is relagated to one of the rarer ammos. Maybe give it a combination from akm mags or lee einfield. Also Any chance of having a group of (lets say 3 to 5) steel bolts per item slot? Crossbow is awesome to use but 6 slots for 6 shots relegates it to below the double barrel in deadliness and inventory space.
  21. Spider0804

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Studio Developed. Kickstarter. On the studio developed note... a community thinks it knows what it wants...but it doesnt. Your vision is the best guide. Id toss money in for a kick starter and I would buy this game if it were standalone.
  22. Spider0804

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    How bout doing the same for the flashlight? +1 +1 Also thankyou for fixing hatchet, what about the crowbar?