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About ConfusedTBag

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    On the Coast
  1. Features: 1.Guns, Items, ammo, and vehicles spawn all over the place (Custom Vehicle spawns and 55% Spawn rate for ever item in chernarus! 2.Ultimate AntiHacks Fused with Battleye! 3.Reboots every 4 hours! 4.24/7 vps!!!! Rule's: 1. No Hacking! (Will get you banned GLOBALY!) PS: I have no control over this... 2. No Racism! (Will result in admin ban no warnings!) 3. Have Fun and Don't get mad!!! (THERE A GUNS EVERYWHERE!!! I HAD SO MANY PEOPLE SCREAMING IN MY EAR AND RAGE QUITING!!!) 4. NO TALKING IN SIDE CHANNAL! (You may "Type" in side chat though) Please use DayZCommander! IP AND PORT (COPY AND PASTE INTO YOUR FAVORITES!) Owner: ConfusedTBag Admin: -yournamehere- For admin just talk in game about it