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Everything posted by Mycaptainpugwash

  1. Mycaptainpugwash

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    You exposed them huh, so do you think they will stop?????
  2. Mycaptainpugwash

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    Satchels are not the easiest thing to get you are right but we have been hoarding and preparing for a long time now, this has been a long time in coming may RRF feel the righteous fury of our esteemed leader Gaylord Buttprince, MAY YOU ALL TREMBLE WHEN HE EVEN GLANCES IN YOUR DIRECTION, MAY YOU ALL COWER IN FEAR WHEN EVEN HIS SHADOW PASSES OVER YOU, ALL HAIL THE RIGHTEOUS AND EVER LOVING GAYLORD BUTTPRINCE, AND MAY YOU ALL BURN IN HIS PURIFYING FLAME.........BURRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
  3. Mycaptainpugwash

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    You have to understand I was forced to do this. This evil man has my wife and children locked away and I was forced to sacrifice myself in order to save those that I love. Tell my family that my last thoughts where of them as I watched Marmothelms lifeless corpse fly across the room as the blast expanded out and took me into its fiery embrace. That and I had a good giggle for about 10 minutes afterwards