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About ChaosMar1ne

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ChaosMar1ne

    The problems I've found so far with 1.7.7

    I was very excited for this patch and i generally like all the changes including buffs to zeds and infection there's one problem though LOOT IS SHIT ! I understand that zeds were a non issue before and that it was too easy but and i like the fact that they got buff but finding gear now especially one thing that suddenly became very very important ANTIBIOTICS is nearly impossible. If you get infected your best bet is die in some place you can come back to and take your gear back rather than wasting your time trying to find antibiotics , it's way faster unless your very lucky. Other thing is repairing vehicles is soooooo time consuming , once again i know it can't be too easy but this is overkill so in essence .. LOOT SPAWNS NEED TO BE BUFFED ESPECIALLY ANTIBIOTICS !!
  2. ChaosMar1ne

    Stealth Assassins Brotherhood

    shameless bump :P
  3. ChaosMar1ne

    Stealth Assassins Brotherhood

    We are looking for players/recruits/other clans not necessarily friendly B) Come and check out our server
  4. ChaosMar1ne

    Problem with Official Day-Z Server

    yup , it seems to work now , thanks , i was expecting few days like it happens with Gameservers but you seem to be pretty fast even though short staffed nice :thumbsup:
  5. Hey guys I'm having problems setting up Official Day-Z server. I've rented a server form HFB servers and I'm trying to set up Official Day-Z mod server but as soon as i connect to it it's crashing. I can see myself on the player list and when i click ''OK'' i see the loading screen but that's the end of it , nothing more happens , all i get is this screen and when i terminate i see that server has the hourglass icon before the name ''This server has either just been restarted or it's not in the state that will allow you to play'' , if i try to connect again it says ''Waiting for the Host'' and nothing happens. I tried changing the server to Private hive and it woks fine that way but the problem is I'm not interested in running a Private hive server or any mod , I'm only interested in running Official server. Anyone knows what's the problem here ? I'd really appreciate some help. P.S Yesterday I've opened a support ticket at HFB but so far all i got is this message :( ''Expect longer then standard support response times between 4/2 and 4/8, we are running with very limited support staff. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.''