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About morgue2903

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  1. morgue2903

    in need of help

    Come on in, we are happy to help... Morgue!
  2. OK, cool check out this link for spawn points and stuff that spawns there http://dayzdb.com/map#3.109.039 This also tells you what buildings can be opened... buy the way, you cant get in the church at elektro... stay away fro that one... Morgue!
  3. morgue2903

    in need of help

    Idi_Admin, Hey, I don't want this to look like advertising our clan, but if you need help and a few pieces of hardware to get you started, check out our server at MIAClan. We can help you learn the maps and understand how to get around. Just search MIAClan in the DayZ Commander tab. We will walk you through getting the basics down... This is a hard game and I wish someone would have helped me out. I almost gave up on it... Finally found a few guys that were willing to give me a hand instead of shoot me on site... Check it out! Morgue!
  4. morgue2903

    New in Dayz - custom map advice

    I like that map... good loot, but its small and a lot of Zeds!! Lots of hill too... Morgue!
  5. Well, ok, I thought I did that by explaining that we give him stuff to run around and defend himself while he learns what buildings he can get into... as well we try to explain in side chat which different buildings you can get in... Go to the church in Cherno... you can get in and there is a few goodies in there too... Morgue!
  6. morgue2903

    New player

    Oh, Come on mZLY, who wants to go into a server that works into nigh and not have NVG's... But you do have a point... Very hard to find... (Bump) "Just trying to help..." (He said walking away dejected and sad...) FORGIVE< PLEASE! Morgue!
  7. Hey All, If you are looking for a place to play and learn the game check us out at MIAclan.net We are fair and friendly and will try to point you to a path of looting like a champ. We start you off with a few goodies just to take the edge off till your ready to fend for yourself... No sence dying in the first 10 minutes just to get up and dye again. Let our guys show you the ropes and help you find the big score... Check out our server in DAYZ Commander. Search MIAClan to find us. Hardware is listed below... Thanks and Good Luck... Morgue! Standard Load out for everyone 45 revolver pistol and 3 mags. 1 Morphine 1 Pain killers 2 Bandages 1 Coke (no risk of infection) 1 Can of Beans Map Axe (great silent weapon against zombies and fun against players who have the same or no weapon) Knife Flashlight NightVision Goggles
  8. Tell you what... if you need a server that gives you a few things to start out with... try ours... Search MIAClan in DayZ Commander. We will help you get a better understanding of the map. The extra stuff gives you time to check things out and run around without the worry of hurting yourself and dying in the first 10 minutes... Check us out and well give you a hand... Thanks, Morgue!
  9. morgue2903

    New player

    Truly i was just trying to help... not spam... and this starter gear is not major hack stuff very low end... Sorry if i offend, I have not showered in like 6 months... Zombies chasing me you know...
  10. morgue2903

    New player

    Hey Guys, Just trolling the site for info and ran across this post... mckean32uk If you or anyone is looking for a safe "ish" place to run around in and understand the game Check out the following: We have a private hive that will give new players a handful of stuff to try out and get comfortable with the server and game play... Here is what you get just for logging in: Standard Load out for everyone 45 revolver pistol and 3 mags. 1 Morphine 1 Pain killers 2 Bandages 1 Coke 1 Can of Beans Map Axe Knife Flashlight Night Vision Goggles It will get dark, but we give you night vision goggles to help out... Check us out, just click "search" in Dayz Commander and type MIAClan in the search bar. Tap enter... The first one will be us... Look for Morgue2903 or Lucky in game and we will help you out... Cheers! Morgue!