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Everything posted by syndicatefaction

  1. syndicatefaction

    My Hackerlist

    You can add SAO-Asuna to your list. Teleported and killed my squad in multiple places within minutes. He did all of what you have posted. Server logs shows this.
  2. syndicatefaction

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    If you wait just long enough, run in from the front of heli, you have time to loot before they turn around and come back to the heli. They always spawn and move outward from the sides and back of the heli. the front of heli has been clear for me numerous times. No shots fired.. in and out.
  3. syndicatefaction

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    hehe how to loot heli crash site. :) Seriously though, if you are a bit away facing front of heli, let them spawn and move out a bit. You should have clear path to move in on the heli
  4. syndicatefaction

    This question is for Rocket, not for spam LOL
  5. syndicatefaction

    Picking a Home.

    HIt up US 2953. it's home to myself and my group. It's our server and stable. Make a home but keep your guard up. :)
  6. syndicatefaction

    I'm still wondering how i'm running this game so badly

    50-60 is great FPS. Nothing to be ashamed of. Most wish they could run that well. Your 2.9 MIGHT be the culprit. Not 100% on that though. Still check around for some video card adjustments that might help.
  7. syndicatefaction

    Ghillie suit up for grabs

    If they have an svd, then they more than likely have a ghillie. LOL
  8. I don't think there will be a reason to play the mod. That stage will be over. The standalone as Max said "will makd DayZ feel new and fresh again. :)
  9. syndicatefaction

    Day Z Videos

    How to loot a heli crash site the easy way..
  10. syndicatefaction

    Day Z Videos

    Typical ATV mishaps! LOL (A little bit of profanity) oops!
  11. syndicatefaction

    Is this okay?

    Douche bag much? If you don't know, then don't reply. Stop being a dick to everybody....
  12. syndicatefaction


    You guys are so noob. LOL But nice find. w00t!
  13. syndicatefaction

    Yes I have finally competed my goal!

    Looks good, but too close to the road for my taste.
  14. syndicatefaction

    Global Ban?

  15. syndicatefaction

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    Also, since Dayz is a MOD of Arma, you technically hacked in Arma. Hence your ban from everything associated with the game. Sound right?
  16. syndicatefaction

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    He hasn't denied it either.....
  17. syndicatefaction

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Sucks that you hackers can't be banned from any and all online game never to play again. You deserve this and soooo much more.
  18. syndicatefaction

    Giving Utes a try for the first time

    WTH is utes?
  19. syndicatefaction

    What just happened?

    I was killed last night and when i respawned, I was 30 meters from where i died, and I had all my gear. I was also able to loot my dead body.... hmmmmm
  20. syndicatefaction

    Music you listen to while playing.

    Can't believe i watched the whole video..... LOL beans!!
  21. syndicatefaction

    Hacker crash?

    thats bout the same time. Our server is on your time schedule. Waiting on reboot now.
  22. Battleye is the suxors!!! They need to get with the times!
  23. syndicatefaction

    Hacker crash?

    It started about 10pm eastern my time. Now the server isn't even showing up. I'm not sure it it's related to your issue. So sorry if wasted your time bro.
  24. syndicatefaction

    Hacker crash?

    Our server yellow dsynced about half hour ago and stayed there. Crashed and now it seems the server is no longer veteran, but now recruit server... As far as the lline of code, no idea man. sorry
  25. syndicatefaction

    hacker gets revenge on me

    hahahaahaha! Damn those hackers!!!!!