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Everything posted by MarshallDF

  1. MarshallDF

    Things I have for trade.

    DMR w/ many mags SVD Camo Mk48 Mod 0 Rangefinders M9SD Sa58v cco M16a2 M203 Cz550 x2 Throw me some offers, don't PM me, I'll PM you if I'm interested.
  2. MarshallDF

    Things I have for trade.

    Trade a DMR for a DMR? you're confusing me bro xD
  3. MarshallDF

    Things I have for trade.

    Throw me an offer, I honestly don't need anything in specific. Just offer me something and I'll tell you if I'm interested.
  4. MarshallDF

    Things I have for trade.

    Thanks bro :)
  5. MarshallDF

    looking for m40a3

    I can trade you a ghillie for an M107.
  6. MarshallDF

    Looking for a clan

    Hey all, I am a 14 year old East coast player. I know I am a bit young but I am quite mature so if you would just give me a chance to prove myself then it would be greatly appreciated. but I also really like to have fun. I am tired of playing solo and really would like some teammates. I currently have the hero skin and I am a generally friendly player. I do tend to shoot bandits on sight unless they are a fresh spawn. I am decent at sniping but I prefer an AR and being up close. I have Ventrillo and can get Teamspeak or any other voice communication programs if necessary. Thanks guys. If you would like you can ask for my Skype and I will PM it to you. I just don't want to give put it out there for everyone to see, thanks. (:
  7. Age: 14 Can you speak English: Yes Steam Name: Nice_Baws Country of Residence: North America (Eastern) How long have been playing DayZ: Around 2 months, but i knew much about the game before I got it. Do you have any military experience: Played Airsoft for a bit, if that counts, I wouldn't consider it experience though, it was a while ago. Why do you want to join the Red Devil Company: Tired of playing solo, plus most games are more fun with friends. Also would like to be a part of a community. What can you bring to the clan: A funny, mature medic, that can cover your ass or provide a laugh when needed.