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Everything posted by Morgasm92

  1. Morgasm92

    Looking for mature group.

    Yeah dude same here. Just started back up after serveral months, if you want to group up i'll be on pretty soon
  2. Morgasm92

    A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

    yeah tell someone your loaded with bloodbags and morphine. You'll last real long =/ good idea though, goodluck
  3. Morgasm92

    Looking for a partner in US

    Sounds good man. If youre still looking for someone, hit me up I'm 19 if it matters to ya
  4. Morgasm92

    1st/3rd person not working

    some servers have it disabled
  5. Morgasm92

    Aww, such a shame!

    Yeah when i first started playing this game, i was all about helping out people... offering out my last bit of supplies and help clear zeds off people with little ammo. 100% (literally) of the time they back stabbed me right after. Shot me right after getting zeds off their back, or i'm running to them with supplies they desperately need, and they snipe me as i approach. Now i just don't even talk in the chats. If i see someone, i prone and move away.
  6. Morgasm92

    The Stranger...

    this game needs more people like him.
  7. No i don't like player killing at all. I used to always try to team up with everyone i met on the map. I died 4 times in a row with that approach. Now i just avoid people all together, if i see someone, i just prone and move away
  8. Morgasm92

    What's the point in trying?

    It's a simulator. Do you think people would be much different in this situation in real life? Probably not
  9. Hey guys, i'm 19 and would like to find some none douche bags to play this game with. Everyone i talk to ingame kills me on sight haha Hopefully in the future we can play more than just DayZ together
  10. Good news for bandits who want my sodding beans but sure, YES
  11. Morgasm92


    alpha be is alpha, yo
  12. need a guard? message me