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Everything posted by disgruntled

  1. have 660ti. think that the ATOC setting should be controlled to an extent
  2. disgruntled

    Want free stuff? PAY 5 DOLLARS.

    loot said enfield, makarov and alice. make way to stary cautiously. if going by nothern road out of elektro start flanking shortly after guglovo and work your way above the treeline overlooking stary. kill donator, loot body. go flank all other sniper spots. enjoy more nato rounds than you know what to do with.....enjoy noobs begging for your ban on sidechat cos they can't deal with you. then go find a better server
  3. disgruntled

    I want to review weapons for you.

    nothing wrong with a good fap mr deity :)
  4. disgruntled

    The standalone won't be popular unless

    as an admin with all the power it's hard not to use it, even the most determined admin will cave in eventually and check a player location. however i've never understood why an admin would need god mode, teleport etc - you're admin, you have THE map. why teleport when you know where every vehicle is unclaimed or not some servers i've joined state that accepting gear from a hacker is bannable yet if they were watching the server log they could instaban as soon as they see medbox0 or ammoboxbig (or small) spawned in the wrong place with no detriment to genuine players. stating you get a ban for that tells me they're too lazy to read the log
  5. disgruntled

    I want to review weapons for you.

    if you have m9sd as pistol then mp5 wants to take over it's rounds and if you drop the mp5 it also drops your precious m9sd rounds also. pain in the arse when you're half way through stary tents
  6. disgruntled

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    don't help your dumbass mate who refuses to learn properly, he'll kill you either on purpose or not
  7. disgruntled

    Server mods?

    auto refuel comes into it's own with helicopters. even if you land next to a fuel tank with 4 jerries in your main inventory and fill refuel refuel refuel refuel, fill and so on as quickly as you can it's still 15 mins+ solo to refuel a huey that's nearly empty
  8. disgruntled

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    from the way it was announced we've got a long wait (and the disappointed sounding post from razor49) it sounds like the community have burnt the midnight oil working on a great patch, presented the changelog to bis to be told "you gotta wait". i don't blame these guys, they've obviously worked very hard on this and have really bounced back following cangate (love it hahaha). i think part of the problem is that if this patch does deliver everything they've said about it then standalone could become moot. after all if everything is fixed in the mod then there's no need for standalone. it also shows that a team who didn't actually make arma and therefore had to learn it have solved issues quicker than bis (the creators of arma no less) can get their own out. standalone is going to change so much that it won't be everyone's cup of tea and some will stick with the mod. if so then less money in bis coffers
  9. disgruntled

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    it was 2-3 months and he's been gone for at least a month. then he's gotta get back, decide he doesn't like something then fiddle with something else completely pointless etc etc. you are not going to see this patch for at least 1 month if not more (even though as has been stated in this very thread it's in public testing so therefore they're down to just tweaking variables at this point) and standalone...well...we'll be lucky to see that before xmas. i don't mind waiting for standalone. it sounds like it will be amazing but waiting for a mod patch for no other reason than durrrr mountain climbing is a joke
  10. disgruntled

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    yes they might be working on it whilst he's away but what happens if he comes back and doesn't like half the stuff they've done? back to the drawing board? seen as climbing a mountain is quite a life changing experience what happens if he comes back and decides all backpacks should have mlp on them? will you go along with that and still say he's wonderful? if they are still giving us the it'll be done when it's done crap in 2014 then this mod/game/whatever is done, finished. they will have missed their window at that point. also with standalone, they wasted a large amount of time up to december as their original plan was to polish it a bit and sell it cheap. then warz no doubt convinced them to go all the way and remake it. how much time was wasted in the run up to this change of plan? now they are going all the way with development you can bet your bestest most loot filled as50 and g36a camo packed tent hidden underwater in black lake that they will charge premium prices for something that no doubt is still riddled with bugs. when standalone was first mentioned a lot of people began to compare it to minecraft and it's own development cycle. i have never played minecraft or had anything to do with it but did that developer disappear at a crucial stage? (/me awaits several people telling me yes he/they did) as for the MOD, yes it is free. according to this website's main page there are nigh on 2,000,000 people that have played or are playing it. but the phrase "it's been handed over to the community" has been bandied about so many times it's worn out. if it has been handed to the community then let them publish it!! after all he let derpy hooves through and look how that turned out. they should have 1 common goal at this point : to get both standalone and the mod out and as improved as they can be before some other mod/game/obsession comes along and we all disappear off to that leaving bis broke and this community team no doubt a bit cheesed off that their efforts were shot down because 1 person wants to climb a sodding mountain. think of it this way. what if warz had come along around now and was actually decent? rocket, matt lightfoot, bis etc would be broke now as every man and his dog (geddit) would have installed that and would be busily filling this forum with "oh warz is good, no hacking, no zombie glitching, no insta death cos i dared fly a russian helicopter, no baf assets going up in flames, no chopwood without a tree in sight, no zombies telegraphing my position to everyone else" and dayz would fade away as quickly as it appeared. if you're at work and the boss is going "oh well done, the work you are doing is really going to put our company on the map and make us all very rich and also give us the opportunity to branch out and go from small indie to big company" and you go "screw that boss, 3 months off so i live my dreams!".....i'll let you guys complete the rest of that story. you have a right to oppose my views (although please be more constructive than shut up herp derp free mod blah) but eventually rocket's ass crack will not taste so sweet. i'm just fed up waiting for the MOD to receive the patches it needs which are in public testing yet will be sat on till some selfish media whore (who's 15 mins is running out) returns......
  11. disgruntled

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    that is kinda the last straw. for the amount of money bis is going to make off standalone they could have paid the 100k cancellation and rebooked it FOR A TIME WHEN STANDALONE IS OUT AND WE ARE ABLE TO PLAY SOMETHING PROMISED TO US IN DECEMBER 2012. instead he's halfway up a mountain and even the mod has to wait for his return, yet here we are talking about what sounds like the salvation patch of a mod which is becoming more stagnant by the day been delayed for months to come due to aforementioned mountain expedition. PFFFFTTTTTTTT.... yes...i mad bro
  12. disgruntled

    Helicopter Drops: Ocean and Offshore landing

    you could put the heli lights on?
  13. yeah it's a common thing. creature beat me to it but proning or crouching will save you from broken boned unconsciousness when exiting the mi17. i have also been thrown out mid flight when changing seats, lost my first ghillie to that ages ago
  14. disgruntled

    Crappy FPS - PC or Arma II engine?

    although standalone will give your cpu an easier ride it will push your gpu harder. more buildings, more enterable buildings. fancier inventory system etc. also the fact that A3 uses the same start parameters makes me think not much has changed, it just uses more ram and has nicer textures than A2. as for your pc, the gpu is not good enough. spend some money!!! mine : i7 3770k 16gb ram 120 gb ssd (game installed on that) asus gtx 660ti 2gb onboard i have it at 1080p with most settings on very high. AA is on and i think have some post processing going also. my fov is set quite high also. my start parameters : -winxp -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noPause -maxVRAM=2047 -maxMem=2047 my fps ranges from 20-25 (in forests when it's raining), 30-40 (cherno & elektro with clear weather) to 70-80 (when i'm in the huey)
  15. disgruntled

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    so you're complaining about admin taking the mick on private hives yet then say that you are one of these very admins. doesn't make sense man. if you have admin on a server then you can actively not spawn stuff, not use admin map or server log for locations and just play the same as a standard user. problem solved. yes no doubt you have to check the server log for cheats and at this point you read things that a standard player wouldn't and shoudn't know. in this situation i try read it and forget it. however if you share this admin and the other admins do take the mick then yes I can see where you're coming from. personally i have sometimes looked at log and used it to avoid other players when logging on. my biggest "admin abuse" was that late one night i was looting for a main rotor and could only find car parts. i used log to find a regular's car in some woods and fixed it up a bit to get rid of the wheel and fuel tank
  16. if you're gonna buy a 3770k then get some good cpu cooling, the stock fan is not enough. my rig is 3770k, 16gb g skill, asus 660ti I've set mine very high (even have AA on) and fps can range from 20 to 80 (in a heli) the lowest is in a forest when it's raining i get some stutters too, these never happenned at first but are getting more frequent the one thing 3rd gen i7s have is hyperthreading, which arma 2 is not designed for. if it's introduced in standalone then GG but i seriously doubt it. with that in mind maybe just an i5 will do (they are also much more overclockable)