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Everything posted by disgruntled
Best settings for spotting people
disgruntled replied to Ragstorm88's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Not that many people knew about it until a certain youtuber told the noobs the advantage gained. the guy talking about situational awareness is right, most players are blind or ignorant...or both -
Once got an Mi17 3.5k on 2 jerries. That was very close to the limit
The longer it takes to release the less understanding I will be with regards to bugs and missing content. It's a modification of an existing engine, the basic game is already thrashed out. The game examples quoted here took longer because there was more work to do - design, story, fmv etc. Not much of those things will be in SA. In the Arma 3 camp posts abound of players complaining A3 isn't getting enough attention due to BIS focussing on SA. The point for me is that BIS are overstretching themselves and generally making some bad decisions. When it eventually releases it'll still be cpu and hdd heavy. Servers will still have a lot of desync and moments of wtf. I don't think the majority will be complaining about new bugs, more likely complaining about old bugs that are still there.
Admin Abuse and How to stop it.
disgruntled replied to TheShine299's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Arma 2 (and 3) are made to be modded. Hell, without that DayZ, Wasteland and many more wouldn't exist. To make mods the ability has to be there to spawn items/vehicles and see player positions. To stop this in arma 2 is impossible, admins having the tools to keep this in check is the only way. Unfortunately some abuse these tools. Some people instead of improving at the game and crushing their shortcomings have chosen to run their own server. They are shit players and if they rely on admin tools to win then they will get worse at the game. SA is said to be released on a major public hive which will be controlled by BIS. This will hopefully mean responsible admins. If the SA sever files do eventually get given to the public and private hives return then unless steps are taken to curb abuse it will be the same. As a suggestion how about a thread in the server section where we can list reputable servers and admins for all regions. -
DayZ Minimum specifications?
disgruntled replied to kevsta545's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
At least we don't need haswell haha. Nice troll :D -
DayZ Minimum specifications?
disgruntled replied to kevsta545's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
From what's been said in devblogs cpu load is going to be less than the mod. As it is still based on Arma 2 I think it will still be cpu and hdd heavy. It's going to need a good pc to get the full experience. What concerns me more is the server side. Although they've obviously made progress with server fps I reckon the server hardware has to be the best. Once the server files are released to the general public (if at all) you're going to see some terrible fps/desync. -
Give me one logical reason why gear destruction will delay KOS
disgruntled replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
If you get the jump on a guy with nvgs at night then he's going down. If you risk him getting away you won't see him again but it's likely he'll see you. I think this thread has wandered a little off course. In the mod even on vanilla servers you can find a gun without too much effort. Spawn rates are reasonable enough to do so and you can loot it unarmed by sneaking around zeds and exploiting their weaknesses such as only walking indoors. That gives you the time to take the gun and leave the area. In SA I don't think even this will be as easy. Zeds can run indoors and will follow you much better. They don't seem to telegraph their moves as much from devblogs (yes, I know subject to change..rocket's new AI proposal etc). Plus, the spawn rate for a gun should be less than what we are used to. The analogy put forward regarding nvgs, obviously a high value item but I think that the gun itself and however few bullets in it we seem to have in our hands for this analogy will also be a high value item. Not in the same league as nvg but still precious. To attack an nvg clad player at night in a small town with only a melee weapon? That's gonna take balls...big ones. Like the mod has been found by many new inexperienced players so will SA. Some absolute noob is going to find something completely amazing (such as the one of a kind thermal L85 that was mentioned in an interview with rocket) and not have a clue with it. They will then fumble around before they meet a more experienced player, maybe with a survival style of play. How long an interaction before he realises the kid is hopeless and notices that the rifle has a rather large scope assembly. Then *pop pop pop* "noob was killed". Body looted and walk away justifying your actions to yourself. I would do this and I think many others in this forum would, regardless of their stance on KOS. -
Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....
disgruntled replied to JPWiser's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It's not an old thread, many comments in the last few days in here. Admins can still do all that. If anything admin tools have become more advanced. If the engine did allow for tree cover them hoarding would be so much easier...which would be bad. A while ago switching to Taviana a friend of mine over the course of playing a month or so managed to unwittingly collect all the spawned vehicles and park them all just above Jaroslavski airfield. Then he complained he had to run 8k after dying as there were no vehicles. This meant any player joining the server for the first time gave up shortly after Sabina or Dubovo as it seemed pointless to continue with no vehicle. My admin power and ability to see vehicles led to me crusading around finding vehicles and leaving them places a survivor could find them. Not that fun. A vehicle in DayZ is an asset. It is not something to be hoarded by one group. OP lost a heli, he can find another. -
how to make DayZ run better
disgruntled replied to ostrich160's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Unfortunately DayZ is for custom pcs. Any MacBook or PC world special isn't going to cut it. It's not just the cpu that tanks animating 20 zeds with complicated skeletons, the loading of the map and its assets is not cached. This means every item is pulled off the hard drive. 2 identical houses in same town? 2 separate loads of the same asset. If you want the mod to run well and look pretty then 3rd gen i5 and gtx660 are minimum specs. An SSD also helps. However even with a monster pc Cherno and Elektro are still going to give you 20 fps at times. As for Sabina, even ramdisk doesn't help that place. -
Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....
disgruntled replied to JPWiser's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
All very true. My base being destroyed happened a few days after another player flew over me and I typed on side a few mins after which in my opinion was sufficient to put the guy off the scent...it wasn't. Vehicles do move on restarts. When I was playing Taviana I had a Ural parked on a slope. It regularly slid into a tree and once was on it's side after a restart People also do the gentle base theft. Only taking a small amount at a time from a base you've found will mean the owners likely won't notice. The base will stay there and you can visit it several times, even camp it and learn who the owners are and when they play. -
Are Donator perks the biggest bullshit out there?
disgruntled replied to anderse's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
DayZ.st costs £20 a month. My mobile contract costs more than that. Yet you see admin messages every 5 minutes that are pretty much begging for cash. In most cases I disagree. -
Are Donator perks the biggest bullshit out there?
disgruntled replied to anderse's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
1. Kill donator 2. Take their gear and hide body. 3. ???? 4. Profit -
An overclocked i5 and 770 will smash the mod let alone SA. Chances are frame rate is still going to plummet in towns. Myself, I wanna see how bad the desync will be.
Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....
disgruntled replied to JPWiser's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
1. Everyone here has lost a vehicle. I had my base completely destroyed once...and it was put on YouTube. 2. An admin on a private hive can see player map, vehicle map. They can see tents. Depending on what tools are used they can see your path taken on a map for that session. If they understand logs they see everytime you press g, shoot, spawn zeds/DayZ specific loot, pitch tent, find a vehicle, damage a vehicle, find a heli crash, blow stuff up, break your legs, bandage, morphine etc. I've probably missed some... If they're really good they can change database values and mess with anything really. Whether they choose to use this power to chase suspected hackers/exploiters or to take the piss depends on the admin in question. Why don't you try combing the west woods near debug. Visit all the open clearings. If you haven't found anything by the time you're level with Lopatino then I'll chow down on my hat. -
Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....
disgruntled replied to JPWiser's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So far you haven't mentioned which particular server. So that should mean you're safe to say whereabouts you hid it. Tell us that and let's see what posters think of it as a hiding place. If you left it around debug either north or west players scour these areas. Also, as you stated regarding other items nearby were these out of sight from the helicopter? It's been said already finding someones heli, you take it and get out of there. Final thing...people are acting as if vehicles belong to them. They're an asset in a game and should be fought over/stolen. If the apocalypse dropped tomorrow you'd be eyeing up a nearby tough 4x4 vehicle over your 1 litre Nissan Micra -
Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....
disgruntled replied to JPWiser's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Continued: A maphacker joined ours one Saturday night. He got Three Valleys spawn and ran north. Completely ignored Berezino and went into the woods to an abandoned camp. Then to the Black Mountain spot and spent 20 mins trashing that players camp (which I replaced out of my own loot for the poor sod). From there he travelled 1.6k in 4 mins and got to ours. The admin camp. Strangely enough he didn't destroy it. He spent ages there going through our 16 tents and full Ural. Took our satchel charges and a Ghillie and logged there. I presume he planted the satchels thinking someone was going to come back to the base. We didn't that night as it was all going off at NWAF. -
Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....
disgruntled replied to JPWiser's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
North of Black Mountain there is a clearing which on vanilla Chenarus has some bad textures. A huey sits in there nicely, kept one there for 3 days on a busy private hive, logged in still there. As for the disbelief, if I get a Kamenka spawn I don't even bother with looting, straight up the west side of the map. People love those clearings west of Myshkino... As for admin, it all depends how smart they are. If the database is available to edit you can change everything. You can even take ownership of someone else's tent so they can't pack it back up and move. If you can understand the log file you can trace a players entire session. -
Give me one logical reason why gear destruction will delay KOS
disgruntled replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So.....topic? If Rocket delivers the 150 slot servers mentioned (and I hope he does) then I think KOS is going to happen anyway. Going to a high traffic area on a busy server and finding it deserted is going to be a lot less likely. Even the small villages are going to have a few looters. There's going to be much more to shoot at. As I mentioned earlier I have played servers labelled as PVP. I also played the friendly generous game for long before that, I got used as a helicopter dispensing machine half the time. Since then Wasteland and I got to admit.. I want to be friendly in standalone, I think I'll have to as everything I've seen suggests SA is going to be tougher, much steeper learning curve even after 500+ hours in the mod. After shooting so many though, I don't honestly know what I'll do when the first player I meet in SA comes along. -
Give me one logical reason why gear destruction will delay KOS
disgruntled replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
True it would take a decent bandit to do this regularly but they do exist. I ain't one of them haha Yes Massicor we share the same view on this. I wanted to quote but was posting on my phone, apologies. As we've had the mod for some time and the KOS mentality is well and truly ingrained now I think that KOS (at alpha launch at least) will still be a regular thing. Whether Rockets changes and plans implemented in SA force most players to reconsider this is an unknown -
Give me one logical reason why gear destruction will delay KOS
disgruntled replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The GITS server has PVP in it's title. Therefore nothing wrong with PVP on it, it's intended. Yes it is a very bastardised version of the mod. I joined it first time to simply practice PVP for when I might need to use it on a more regular server. Enjoyed it so much I only stopped playing there to go play Arma 3 Wasteland. Anyways both myself and another poster stated that surely a headshot wouldn't damage chest or trouser stored items and if you get an easy shot it should only take 1 bullet. That is of course if headshots register correctly and the gear damage system works well. Any chance mods can give insight on that? -
Give me one logical reason why gear destruction will delay KOS
disgruntled replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Forgive me if this has already being asked but if you're stalking a player and he stops then you headshot him then that players gear should still be intact? I would think then only the headgear/hat/whatever gets damaged. If the above is true and if said KOS player is a reasonable shot then it's going to make no difference to the mod -
If you mean how close to the restart you can alter your tents contents and it still successfully save then I would say don't touch the tent 5 mins before restart to be safe. It all depends when the server did it's last database save
Points and score, GAMETRACKER
disgruntled replied to DilligaS's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Zed kills, medic stuff (particularly a successful epi-pen), vehicle repairs (only if you repair it to full green) and looting. All these seem to give gametracker points Also not 100% sure on this but I think you get an extra point for headshots -
Heading north(airfields) ? vs."I´m nearly done with Day Z"
disgruntled replied to timedance's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think everyone's done it at some point. I got over mine a bit and started to take more risks. Died falling down Pik Kolova lol -
Any DayZ Mods That Run Well?... Or the Ones That Run the Best?
disgruntled replied to chibigoat's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Although you haven't bothered to list your pc spec...or state exactly what vid/config settings you have changed (something tells me you haven't touched GPU maxframesahead etc) you say bf3 runs at 50fps on ultra - sounds like a rather average pc to me. Upgrade my man. New cpu, mobo and ssd. If BIS are going to continue churning out badly optimised games can they at least be honest in the recommended specs list and state realistic specs instead of kit that will still struggle with it