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Everything posted by D_Sanchez1

  1. Server with Unicorns 600+ unicorns 50 flying unicorns [self-unicorn] [Auto Unicorn][salvage Unicorn] COME PLAY!
  2. I'm not even an admin on the server anymore. I have a Namalsk server. I am the one who banned Eli (caveman). This is X2's server. He has nothing to do with it. Everybody knows it was my last week as admin before I switched to Namalsk. So this really has no effect on me. X2 was the one that told me to unban Eli when I banned him. So I did. But after Eli went on here to bash X2's server, X2 banned him again...lol.....It's kind of funny how this all played out and didn't effect me (caveman) at all. Which was Eli's intent....lol. X2 has to deal with Eli's whining and I have to deal with adding scripts and custom buildings to the Namalsk map. Thank you Eli, you did me a favor, because I was gonna try to steal all the players from bambi canada anyway. Less players there means more for me :P Besides X2 and I disagree on everything. he didnt want to update. I went ahead and contacted the hosting company to switch it over while he was out of town on business. X2 was pretty pissed about that. I used the pay pal money to pay for some updates to So now he's kind of stuck with it. Anyone want to play my server I will be advertising my Namalsk server soon.
  3. Not you again...lol Well anyways. You were a little bit right about updating to and how it was going to be a bad idea. All the MK17 guns despawn and hiding tents is impossible. Although, we now added a big castle maze with a Ural at the end of it loaded with guns. Not the same as having gun boxes everywhere. Everyone seems happy about the maze. We are getting a lot more people joining the server since the update, but I also think it's because of the dinosaurs with lasers. The green gun boxes we liked so much also despawn. I hate too, but we still needed to update to It works better with the anti-hacks we have installed. Otherwise the server would have kept crashing like it has been. Also it's not that I didn't want to hear what you had to say. It's just that you were spamming side chat non-stop about this update, and you knew I was busy and the only admin running the server at the time. It was annoying for everyone. I asked you to send us an email about your endless complaints...but then you're probably right...I would have ignored it. Only because you're email would have been a novel and I hate reading if I'm not interested. Also because I'm busy. If you like so much, maybe I should rent a server just for you and anyone else who wants to play there. I really will. I can just make a double of the server we have now. We can call it "Eli Porter's Banland"...just kidding...but kinda catchy. Seriously though, lighten up. I know you're very outspoken and want to express your views, but our server is not a forum. People just want to play dayz. When you're taking up my (precious golden) time arguing about updates, I can't help anyone else or run events. Btw your ban was only for 48 hours....lol...it was just until we had the new update installed, as well as the new custom buildings. Anyways good luck out there. If you want to come back let us know, if you want to keep posting on forums about how cruel and awful we are, that's cool too. Everyone is still having fun here. I can't see why you're so upset, it's not like I burned you with a cigarette, pissed on your head, ran over your dog, stole your bicycle, ripped your favorite shirt or shot you as a fresh spawn and hid your body. We just want to have fun. You're welcome to come play here too. Just no more spamming side chat with complaints. Kinda ruins the whole apocalypse thing we got going on here.
  4. IP: PORT: 2323 Hello All, I'd like to announce the launch of the new Bambi Canada server - we're back with 40 slots on a new host with an even more heavily customized map. IP: Name: ( Bambi Canada ) We have two very dedicated senior admins, X2 and Caveman as well as several others to keep the riff raff out. You'll find all admins to be very friendly and helpful to new players! Server activities include (but are not limited to) Vehicle Races, PVP Nights, "slay the admins" prizes and more! We feature more than 500 vehicles and 650+ custom buildings, but there's probably a lot more. Throughout the map you'll find new military bases, some have gun / ammo crates as well. Basic vehicles are spread throughout the coast and common spawn points and you'll find some very nice vehicles and helicopters inland. Please come join us soon!
  5. Another problem is there are no scripts updated for 1.7.7....as far as I know anyway. We will change to 1.7.7 once the bugs of that new update are fixed and more scripts are available.
  6. Three way heli fight today. 11 people (3 teams) happened to cross paths and all hell breaks loose.....good times.
  7. These tanks are very killable. Just shoot out the tires and fire some m203. Rocket launchers will work soon anyway. We've just been busy with otehr stuff.
  8. These tanks have wheels, you can shoot out the wheels and M203 the tank. It's not a big tank, but it can knock trees down and smash other vehicles.
  9. Private bases will be added soon. Teams of 4 or more active players can have one for FREE.
  10. 18 people today and still no hackers. Come join us. Bambi's, Heroes and Bandits welcome!!! It's an equal mix of all three. There are lots of players looking to team up.
  11. I added 2 more new towns and a new addition to Berazino. Also 10 Osprey, 2 MI18's, 2 MI17's, and a few more littlebirds.
  12. There is now 720 Vehicles and helis all over the map. We also counted the buildings and stopped counting around 1300. We still didn't count Berazino and NEAF yet, So we assume there's about 1500 and probably a lot more because we skipped the new little North East town.
  13. lol....We are no where near the limit....Actually I underestimated with the 500+. We were running 694 vehicles. So another 56 or so won't hurt.
  14. Ospreys will be added Saturday. Also more vehicles will be added. Making it 750+ vehicle instead of 500+.
  15. Hi, You will get a good ping, no problem. We have people from all over the world that play here. Germany, UK, Australia, Slovania...ect. The starting gear is NVGoggles, G17, AKS-U, MEDs, toolbox, compass, matches, map, beartrap, mountain dew. We give you all that because of all the crazy guns in the game. NVG seem to be super rare. So we spawned everyone with that. We are still working on the loadouts and trying to decide what people should spawn with and we're open to suggestions. Also spawn points are different than usual. Much better spawn points. No more spawning directly on the coast near kamenka where bandits camp. As for the map. It's the same map as Regular Chernarus. We just added a ton of buildings to make it seem new. We didn't add just a few buildings in each town, we tried to make it feel like a whole new map. Kamenka is bigger, Cherno and Elektro are almost completely connected as one city. Berazino has massive additions. And pretty much every major town has a lot more buildings added. Some buildings are completely new to Chernarus map. They look like they were buildings from Takastan or Fallujah map. The whole South coast is completely different. There are military bases all over the map with some cool guns. You should really come check it out. Everyone gets along really well. We watch the players very closely and nobody ever cheats or hacks so far. It's a really good crew and you're welcome to join. Easy to team up and meet new people. It's an equal mix of Bambi's, Heros and Bandits. We use to have another server, but we switched hosting. So now we have to build on the player count more. We have about 30 regulars from the old server. Also it's open season on killing the admins...lol Everybody seems to love that. YOU CAN FIND THE SERVER BY SEARCHING = Bambi Canada (in dayzcommander) OR YOU CAN ADD US TO FAVORITES AND TYPE IN THE IP AND PORT (IP= PORT= 2323 ) Thanks for writing, we hope to see you there.
  16. COME PLAY :) IP PORT 2323 -Friendly fair admins and a lot of friendly players. Even the bandits are friendly. -Friendly players looking for new team members. It's easy to find people to play with. -Tank Races every Saturday. -New vehicles, and new buildings. (WEJUST ADDED 200 MORE BUILDINGS TODAY) -Competitions to win prizes. -RMOD weapons in green boxes hidden around the map. -No hacker problems. It's very rare so far. -Kill the admins it's encouraged. Kill an admin and you will usually win a prize. -Custom military bases all over the map. -Arabian towns, island towns, and more new towns added -Cherno and Elektro are connected as one city with a few spaces in between. -Cherno and Elektro are much bigger now. -New spawn points so you won't be spawning far West of Kamenka. -SELF BLOODBAG -AUTO REFUEL -SALVAGE VEHICLE PARTS -NEW CRAZY WEAPONS -NO ROAD GARBAGE, BARRICADES, OR DEBRIS. -AUTO SERVER RESTART EVERY 3 HOURS. -NEW SKINS, STREET LIGHTS, VEHICLE TOWING, AND NEW STUFF WILL BE ADDED AT SOME POINT. IP PORT 2323
  17. COME PLAY :) IP PORT 2323 -Friendly fair admins and a lot of friendly players. Even the bandits are friendly. -Friendly players looking for new team members. It's easy to find people to play with. -Tank Races every Saturday. -New vehicles, and new buildings. -Competitions to win prizes. -RMOD weapons in green boxes hidden around the map. -No hacker problems. It's very rare so far. -Kill the admins it's encouraged. Kill an admin and you will usually win a prize. -Custom military bases all over the map. -Arabian towns, island towns, and more new towns added -Cherno and Elektro are connected as one city with a few spaces in between. -Cherno and Elektro are much bigger now. -New spawn points so you won't be spawning far West of Kamenka. -SELF BLOODBAG -AUTO REFUEL -SALVAGE VEHICLE PARTS -NEW CRAZY WEAPONS -NO ROAD GARBAGE, BARRICADES, OR DEBRIS. -AUTO SERVER RESTART EVERY 3 HOURS. -NEW SKINS, STREET LIGHTS, VEHICLE TOWING, AND NEW STUFF WILL BE ADDED AT SOME POINT. IP PORT 2323