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About D_Sanchez1

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. I'm not even an admin on the server anymore. I have a Namalsk server. I am the one who banned Eli (caveman). This is X2's server. He has nothing to do with it. Everybody knows it was my last week as admin before I switched to Namalsk. So this really has no effect on me. X2 was the one that told me to unban Eli when I banned him. So I did. But after Eli went on here to bash X2's server, X2 banned him again...lol.....It's kind of funny how this all played out and didn't effect me (caveman) at all. Which was Eli's intent....lol. X2 has to deal with Eli's whining and I have to deal with adding scripts and custom buildings to the Namalsk map. Thank you Eli, you did me a favor, because I was gonna try to steal all the players from bambi canada anyway. Less players there means more for me :P Besides X2 and I disagree on everything. he didnt want to update. I went ahead and contacted the hosting company to switch it over while he was out of town on business. X2 was pretty pissed about that. I used the pay pal money to pay for some updates to So now he's kind of stuck with it. Anyone want to play my server I will be advertising my Namalsk server soon.
  2. Not you again...lol Well anyways. You were a little bit right about updating to and how it was going to be a bad idea. All the MK17 guns despawn and hiding tents is impossible. Although, we now added a big castle maze with a Ural at the end of it loaded with guns. Not the same as having gun boxes everywhere. Everyone seems happy about the maze. We are getting a lot more people joining the server since the update, but I also think it's because of the dinosaurs with lasers. The green gun boxes we liked so much also despawn. I hate too, but we still needed to update to It works better with the anti-hacks we have installed. Otherwise the server would have kept crashing like it has been. Also it's not that I didn't want to hear what you had to say. It's just that you were spamming side chat non-stop about this update, and you knew I was busy and the only admin running the server at the time. It was annoying for everyone. I asked you to send us an email about your endless complaints...but then you're probably right...I would have ignored it. Only because you're email would have been a novel and I hate reading if I'm not interested. Also because I'm busy. If you like so much, maybe I should rent a server just for you and anyone else who wants to play there. I really will. I can just make a double of the server we have now. We can call it "Eli Porter's Banland"...just kidding...but kinda catchy. Seriously though, lighten up. I know you're very outspoken and want to express your views, but our server is not a forum. People just want to play dayz. When you're taking up my (precious golden) time arguing about updates, I can't help anyone else or run events. Btw your ban was only for 48 hours....lol...it was just until we had the new update installed, as well as the new custom buildings. Anyways good luck out there. If you want to come back let us know, if you want to keep posting on forums about how cruel and awful we are, that's cool too. Everyone is still having fun here. I can't see why you're so upset, it's not like I burned you with a cigarette, pissed on your head, ran over your dog, stole your bicycle, ripped your favorite shirt or shot you as a fresh spawn and hid your body. We just want to have fun. You're welcome to come play here too. Just no more spamming side chat with complaints. Kinda ruins the whole apocalypse thing we got going on here.
  3. Server with Unicorns 600+ unicorns 50 flying unicorns [self-unicorn] [Auto Unicorn][salvage Unicorn] COME PLAY!
  4. Another problem is there are no scripts updated for 1.7.7....as far as I know anyway. We will change to 1.7.7 once the bugs of that new update are fixed and more scripts are available.
  5. Three way heli fight today. 11 people (3 teams) happened to cross paths and all hell breaks loose.....good times.
  6. These tanks are very killable. Just shoot out the tires and fire some m203. Rocket launchers will work soon anyway. We've just been busy with otehr stuff.
  7. These tanks have wheels, you can shoot out the wheels and M203 the tank. It's not a big tank, but it can knock trees down and smash other vehicles.
  8. Private bases will be added soon. Teams of 4 or more active players can have one for FREE.