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About Fleksnes

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Fleksnes

    Arma 2 or Arma 3?

    I must say the community (So far) have been fantastic! No trolling or idiots, just people here to help noobs like me. I can't wait until I will start on DayZ. Will check out the DayZ SA blog also. Thank you, once again.
  2. Fleksnes

    Arma 2 or Arma 3?

    cheers, mate. Do you know when the release for Arma 3 is and if it will get an DayZ mod?
  3. Fleksnes

    Arma 2 or Arma 3?

    Thank you all for your response. I am now downloading ArmA 2 - Complete collection. Later on will I download the DayZ mod. I hope and think that I will love this game.
  4. Fleksnes

    Arma 2 or Arma 3?

    I want to start playing the ArmA games. Since I know so little (I am a BF3 and MW2 player) about these games I would like some help from the pros. Which game should I buy if I want a good experience and play some DayZ? Arma 2 is much cheaper from Steam, but is Arma 3 better? Which should I chose?