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Everything posted by ProphetMatt

  1. I hate when people day find another server, this server is obviously in violation of the Hosting rules, not to mention that the no kill is a blatantly stupid thing to have in a game like this.
  2. ProphetMatt


    So i was recently playing mechwarrior 4 for fun and I thought HEY I wish i could kill some zombies, so what if we added like a couple of battlemechs to the island.
  3. ProphetMatt

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    You have to understand, they just want to game to get so hard that only a few "hardcore" players are left and they can all sit around talking about how badass they all are for still being here. They confuse difficulty with realism and also forget that in the end this is still a game and if a game is not fun people will quit, and the more people that quit the less likely the game or "MOD" will have any real future.
  4. ProphetMatt

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    Kolchak you just dont understand. People like Shrapnel just want us to know how awesome they are and how "in touch" with the developers they are. Only they understand how this game is supposed to be and we should all go back to playing other games.
  5. ProphetMatt

    Wheelchairs anyone?

    I actually made this suggestion a few days ago, man how awesome would it be to just roll right into cherno on your wheelchair. Also we should be able to pimp it out and make all bling bling.
  6. ProphetMatt

    Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

    Holy crap I love those suggestions, I sure hope some of them get implemented.
  7. ProphetMatt

    People locking servers with passwords

    Nope take screenshots and report them on the forum
  8. ProphetMatt

    global and sidechat removal in the alpha phase

    since the removal of these chats i find the game has become quite a bit more boring, its like the entire social aspect has been removed, i may as well just go play stalker.
  9. Why do people makes posts trying to show how cool and awesome they are at the game?
  10. ProphetMatt

    Shitty thread, shitty user. The great tale of TheLoneSurvivor.

    is that a link that just makes loud noise? sorry not sure what that means and would hate to get banned.
  11. ProphetMatt

    Shitty thread, shitty user. The great tale of TheLoneSurvivor.

    Damn....what did he do?
  12. So i was thinking that to make this seem even more awesome and realistic you should spawn already dead 99 percent of the time. My logic is that i would guess most people died during the infection SO..... you should spawn dead most of the time, and then once in a while you spawn alive, how cool and "realistic" would that be. No reason to stop there either, what if we also started with like only 1000 blood cause you are probably beat up from your surviving, man that would be so REAL!!!!! OMG I just had another idea while brainstorming with a friend. So in real life some people have handicaps so what if you spawn as someone in a wheelchair, or maybe blind.
  13. Thats some great proof you got there.
  14. ProphetMatt


    Horrible suggestions, just delete the game
  15. ProphetMatt

    Super Realistic (Since Difficult=Realistic here)

    Dude chill out I was just trying to offer suggestions to make the game even more awesome then it is...
  16. ProphetMatt

    1.7.1 PSA: Man the fuck up, little girlies

  17. Couldnt get a screen shot but admin came in and said he was kicking for clan members and kicked everyone out. now the server is locked 9:20 PM when this happened
  18. ProphetMatt

    Super Realistic (Since Difficult=Realistic here)

    Cmon seriously, it would make it so much more realistic. What about the handicapable stuff, like seriously you would spawn in a wheelchair and have to like roll down the street to Cherno, mad im excited by the idea.
  19. ProphetMatt

    Super Realistic (Since Difficult=Realistic here)

    I'm not joking I thought the goal was to make everything realistic and making this came handi-capable seems pretty damn realistic to me
  20. ProphetMatt

    Forum moderators and a decent set of rules?

    Nah i dont think we need this, this place is super awesome as it is. And the more difficult it is to use the forum the more realistic is seems.
  21. ProphetMatt

    Battleye Failed to Update

    Do you use peerblock? That was blocking battleye for me, if not that you should check your firewall it may be blocking the connection i think.
  22. ProphetMatt


    I am curious what you mean by " the worst of the worst", does this mean we wont see much more of the kill everyone in server stuff and the jets flying overhead. OR does this mostly target the people spawning weapons and whatnot, who in my opinion are just as damaging to the game.
  23. ProphetMatt

    Atlanta 6 Locking

    Nice of Archshield to admit it.
  24. These two servers have been locked at almost all times for the last week, 12 as well but it is showing unlocked at the moment. When they are unlocked even if you get in an admin kicks you as soon as they notice you in there. As far as i know this is a blatant violation of the server rules and i would love to see some sort of action taken.
  25. ProphetMatt

    Seattle 14,17 Locked for days

    No, both of them have had between 15-20 almost everyday usually the same clan names or same people i saw before. There was a thread about it before the forum got wiped.