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About divexe

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. divexe

    Hacker on US256 Kansas

    For what it's worth, I was also playing on US256, and I saw all three names mentioned above in the server list. I also saw a long list of players constantly being killed, so I left.
  2. Happened to me on Dallas 25. As soon as I went prone, I was flung up, so I figured it was just some weird terrain bug. I aborted about ten feet above the ground and relogged. While the screen was still black, my screen flashed with blood and it said that I died in chat. My character was laying on the ground, unable to move or look around, but I had as much blood as I had when I had disconnected. My stats were all reset, too. I relogged again when my brother came to laugh at me, and he noticed that I could loot an alice pack. Apparently a dupe of my body had spawned as a result of my crafty sky-diving shenanigans. No one else complained about it in chat, but everyone may have complained when I logged out. I found two jets about an hour before this had happened, so I guess it's safe to assume some hacker is going around doing it. Protip to everyone - if it happens again, hit escape, click abort, and hover your mouse over the "OK" button, then allow yourself to fall until you're a few feet off the ground and then disconnect. If it works out like it did for me, you'll be alive upon log-in, maybe with a broken leg.