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About Laberhistan

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    On the Coast
  1. Laberhistan

    Lexgamers Love to Ban

    Just to be clear, This was not the cheranus map it was origins. As for spawn points I have no idea where any of them are on the map because it can spawn it anywhere with the random choice really. Second, I didn't call them a hacker I said I didn't want to swoop to their level and just said that it may of still be glitchy and I said they might be hacking but at the same time it coulda been the bug as I previously stated. Third, I don't know of many people who wouldn't take advantage of that glitch if it happened to them are you saying you wouldn't after you just died and lost a good vehicle? If you say no then you are more then likely lieing. Also to point out I will say again which noone has seem to notice he claimed he was checking the logs and then the ban came. In reality he did not, 1 it was to quick and 2 he would of seen that in fact I was not hacking or scipting or w/e its called. And just cause a glitch hasn't happened to you doesnt mean it does not exist in fact I linked a credible site that you can read on if you did not look over all the facts. Now you guys can butcher what I said and twist it all you want. The fact remains I was banned after they claimed they was going to check the logs and didn't and the ban remained because I came to this site and to the ban appeal section and made a grevince about it. So that is the true problem not to mention how many people was on the server when I was banned. I ran into another one a few days ago and soon as I log on the server he tells the admin Im a hacker because of what happened on their server. Again I was banned from that server without even doing a thing on it just cause someone thought I was a hacker from a server he was on before. This is the real problem ruining my name I shouldn't have to change it because someone did not do their job. This is the entire reason I am upset. Other then that good or bad I do apperciate all your comments and best of luck to you all =}
  2. Laberhistan

    Lexgamers Love to Ban

    Lets get one thing straight here. I had been on your server for all of 2 days. And yes I came here because it is a "ban appeal" site. Im not gonna jot down every TS address nor website address of servers that I join and there is not many that do. I join so many servers to get away from hackers that trying to find a home server to stay at anymore is nearly impossible. So to be marked as something I hate deeply is beyond "low" as you put it and furthermore I did not blame nor ban any of your peeps. You coulda settled it on the game but choose to ban instead of ask even though I had said something. Even if it was not you is there not rules for this for your server? Or you just ban everyone that you "feel" is a hacker and sort it out later. Your gonna get alot of angry letters / forum posts down that path man. So to respond to my comment with even more hate is not that path to go and at this point I wouldn't even want back on your server anyways. To ridicule someone for your mistake (and I say your mistake because you are a admin and therefore should have control/rules over what other admins do) is your own fault. I will leave this post with that and best of luck to your "server"
  3. Laberhistan

    Lexgamers Love to Ban

    Oh and one more thing I would like to point out after searching quiet a few sites. It aperently is "Known and confirmed bug" So this obviously does not make me a hacker as for one site http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Known_Bugs. Not sure that I can link sites here but wanted to back up my claim. =]
  4. Laberhistan

    Lexgamers Love to Ban

    Oh and if I didn't mention it was a Admin Ban not a Battleye Ban... Figured I'd best throw that in there after reading those threads =]
  5. So I'm playing on a active admin Lex gamers server. Admins were running around for days killing peeps and I happen accross them in the airfield. Well they got a shot off on me and killed me. Now keep in mind ive never hacked or even looked up hacks but for some reason it spawned me right behind the hangers with all my gear as if I didn't die. Idk if it was cause they was hacking and it bugged or it was a admin glitch. Well anyways I decided to get my revenge and go around the corner and I kill both of them (which is less then they deserved). As you can imagine they start to whine and fuss and start calling me a hacker. Even though I denied it, as you know it doesnt matter. I could of ran back there and got some new weapons and killed them and they woulda called it the same thing. The odd thing is I was able to kill 2 of them but the third that was there I shot at least twice in the head with a sniper rifle (and I know they landed) and he didn't die. At any rate it wasn't a few minutes later and I was banned for you guessed it hacking. When I accautly don't even hack at all. So I figured I would put this out there for all you peeps to be warned of Lexgamers servers and their admins abuseing powers (and possible hacking, although I don't wanna be like them and blame them straight out for it) coulda been server lag or a bug as what happened to me who knows. But what really got me was the abuse of powers and he claiming to "check the logs" when he accautly did not. If he had he woulda seen I was not hacking but oh well. So heres to you Lexgamers you are true winners, I mean whiners.
  6. Laberhistan

    Random bann DE 888

    Its sore loser's mostly that ban. If they lose something they want or die to another person (even though they have been killing plenty of newbs themselves) they tend to blame whoever that is and ban them. This just happened to me on another server. Killed a admin he whined called me a hacker and banned me. When in fact had nothing to do with hacking just pure luck and perhaps a map bug im not sure. But either way ive been banned from a server before that for just killing a admin. What happens is when 12 yo's get their parents to buy them a server and take control of it they abuse it. And there seems to be no fix for this at all. Its just the luck of the draw when your joining servers and pray you either get a cool admin or a inactive one.