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Everything posted by McStabbyface

  1. McStabbyface

    So I just got to the NW Airfield...

    If you want to be thorough, just search everything. Every Hanger, Both Barracks, Fire Station, and ACT. Don't worry about the part where you get shot.
  2. McStabbyface

    What is your logic, Bandits/PKers in general?

    Here is my logic Avalon: I love killing people. I really do. I don't enjoy going into zombie infested cities to scrounge, unless I happen to kill somebody while I'm there. I don't enjoy going to NW airfield to search the barracks for NVGs, unless I happen to kill somebody while I'm there. I despise sitting in a forest in the middle of nowhere, because I will never kill somebody while I'm there. My team doesn't set up tent cities because we never stay in one location. We actively run around hunting other clans (and their tents) or players. I shoot on sight because I enjoy it. And yes, I DO hate starting over. But it's really not that bad. Then I just kill people and take their stuff. My friends can't help re-equip me because we don't use tents or vehicles. If I die, this is what happens: 1) Die, and lose my DMR and NVGs. 2) Kill a bandit within a few hours with my Lee Enfield and take his DMR and NVGs. The cycle continues.
  3. McStabbyface

    You know you killed a CoD puppy when....

    Why do people even go into towns when they're fully geared? Just kill cows and eat their flesh. And only drink pond water.
  4. McStabbyface

    M107 at night

    NO FUCKING WAY Ayep. That's why everybody loves the DMR so much.
  5. McStabbyface

    HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    I really shouldn't be helping you. Because you can't be bothered to read the goddamn forums. But anyway, Rocket says run east and you'll get back to the playable map. Also, update all your shit.
  6. McStabbyface

    Popping up from prone when checking Gear

    Lol. are you going from prone to crouch? That's not a bug. You're supposed to only be able to check gear while either crouched or standing. It's a bug if you ARE able to access your gear while prone.
  7. McStabbyface

    Survivor Looking for Friendlies

    Aren't you afraid somebody is going to volunteer to join your group, then kill all of you and take your stuff?
  8. McStabbyface

    My opinion of DayZ..

    Hey OP... the game is supposed to have crazy amounts of running and be painfully difficult at the start. (No sarcasm) That's why we love it.
  9. McStabbyface

    Night Vision Goggles + Other Items

    Everybody is having problems with losing their stuff. It has nothing to do with NVG, M9SD, M4, GPS, or Toolbox.
  10. McStabbyface

    Isn't the bleeding in this mod a bit excessive?

    Try running away from zombies. They be scary.
  11. Ok, this is how to get Steam overlay working if you are one of those guys who can only get the game working through Six Updater. If you're starting from complete scratch, and don't know how to get Six Updater working, follow this guy's video until he gets to the Steam part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhM5VTvGW00 His Steam workaround is completely wrong because it doesn't run as Arma2:CO and you run into the same problems as before. I found another workaround that does work however. Make sure your Six Updater is totally working, and running the game through Six updater is totally working. Now in the Six updater, set your PROFILE (at the top) to be A2 OA Combined Ops (forced). He does this in the video too. Now, go to Steam and add Sixupdater.exe to your game list. Rename it whatever you want. When you run Sixupdater.exe using Steam, it will autoboot A2 OA CO with DayZ mod, complete with Steam overlay! Success! Tried and tested using Beta 93825 servers. No problems encountered yet.
  12. Thanks, I tried your solution but I'm still encountering problems using the Steam shortcut. I still get the same errors as if I wasn't using CO. (Missing files, etc...) However, after more twiddling around in Six Updater, my regular Steam boot works just fine, no artificial shortcut involved. So... all's good!
  13. McStabbyface

    What's your best sniper spot?

    Nowadays? The best sniper spot is on the coast standing waist deep in the ocean. All the fresh meat can't shoot back.
  14. McStabbyface

    Up North

    We follow the herds of survivor sheep. If you go to NW, we go to NW. If you go to Cherno, we go to Cherno. If you go to the North Eastern forests of the map, we go to the North Eastern forests of the map. And we will find you. And we will shoot you and take your beans.
  15. McStabbyface

    How I survived PITCH BLACK NIGHTS

    I thought hatchets still work. They just take up a lot more space now and serve a dual purpose.
  16. Yeah this just happened to me and a clan-mate. Unfortunate, but oh well. Patch, Beta 93825 Name: [FUN]McStabbyface ID: 18342854
  17. McStabbyface

    Hacker in Cherno

    So the story of my Cherno adventures tonight: Lots of hubb dubb and stuff in Cherno but essentially I hear Mk48 fire in Cherno. I start crawling around West of the tallest building in Cherno, lets call it Cherno Tower. Then I see and hear gunfire towards the East from that rooftop (Mk48 has tracers). I immediately run into a little tiny shack with one entrance that's very well hidden. There's no way he could have seen me as he was shooting in the opposite direction. I start making plans with my team to all meet in Cherno so we can bum rush this guy, when suddenly, he throws a flare into my shack and turns the corner. I pop him with my Lee Enfield and proceed to loot him. This guy is as fully geared as you possibly can be in this game. My gear after looting him: I then proceed to climb Cherno Tower with his gear, thinking I can go up there and cover my friends as they proceed into Cherno. After a waiting for a little while, I get sniped off the roof. Can't say who it was. It's not particularly important. But after I respawn, I head to Balota deer huts to loot for a gun. I meet up with a friend while I'm there. Out of nowhere, he gets 1 shot by a Mk48. I drop to the ground and crawl to a safe location. The SAME guy with ANOTHER Mk48 and NVGs starts crouch walking towards me around 30m away while spraying bullets directly at me. Lucky he has crap aim and I have sandbags and he can't hit anything for a good 20-30 rounds. When I stand up to return fire he gets me. His name was Singularty (No typo) Time, around 2 AM EST. Server: Dallas 27 I understand everything he had was all technically legal equipment, but what kind of veteran climbs down off his roof to hunt a bean warrior in a shack on the ground, only to get shot. And then respawns and within 10 minutes has the same gear again.
  18. McStabbyface

    Server-Wide Item Despawn and NPC Spawning

    I was there too, everybody on the server lost everything at the same time.