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Everything posted by PocketBacon

  1. PocketBacon

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    Guy in side chat was pleading for morphine and a blood bag in Cherno... I complied. B) So I set off from the hospital in Cherno over to the industrial section of the city, where I find this guy from side chat lying on the ground with low blood and a broken leg... I decided to egg the whole thing on. I get out the morphine and the blood bag, see the guy has got an AS50 and Coyote pack. My mind explodes but I still give him the morphine and bag, and then he uses direct and says 'Thanks, man. Need a ride anywhere?' I told him I'd give him a ride, and he asked where. I said 'The Afterlife' and nailed his AS50-wielding face with a double barreled shotgun. My friend still has that AS50 to this day, the AS50 we never give away or shoot.
  2. Name : Michael Age : 16 Teamspeak Name: PocketBacon Mic: Yeah, but it has shut off by its own will before... -.- Reason to join : I've been down the clan road quite a lot of times before and I have to say that this clan looks well put together. Been looking for a long-stay sort of group for DayZ that beats the other clans I've been in... and I really want to try this one out. Experience : Been playing since about 2 months after the mod came out, I'd estimate I have 240-250 hours now, Steam stopped counting. Timezone : EST Bio : I've been a hero, a survivor looking after his own, and I've been a bandit. I really enjoyed all three aspects and while experiencing them realized what I was good at and what I wasn't. I'm best in a sniper role, told I'm an excellent shot with the 50 cals and the M24, and I'm also a pretty good communicator. Loyal to the You Are Dead screen. ;) In-game Name : PocketBacon