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Everything posted by tomcat705

  1. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    Hi, Updated Apr-22. Found most of stuff. Currently looking for: L85 AWS (in case some returning old school survivor wants to trade one) M240 MP5A5 M4A3 CCO FN FAL Sandbags Bear Trap Have for trade: Vehicles AH-6X in stock UH-1H or Mi-17 on request S1203, Ural, V3S, UAZ on request On European server of my choice Tools ANY legit one (don't ask for radio or target marker). Storage Czech backpack Tents Ammo Mags to any legit gun - at least 3x each PKM mags for Mi-17 - 4x Satchel Charges - 2x Snipers AS50 DMR M107 M14 AIM M24 M40A3 SVD Camo LMG M249 SAW Mk48 Mod 0 AR FN FAL FN FAL AN/PVS-4 G36A (camo) G36C (camo) G36K (camo) L85A2 CCO L85A2 SUSAT M16A2 M203 M16A4 ACOG M4A1 CCO M4A1 CCO SD M4A1 Holo Sa-58 CCO Sa-58V ACOG SMG Bizon MP5SD6 Sidearms G17 M9 M9 SD PDW PM me if you got what I look for. Please do not bother otherwise.
  2. tomcat705

    looking for m40a3

    got M240 or MP5A5?
  3. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    The wish list is short mate... Either a L85AWS, or both M240 and MP5A5. Both - because a single non-rare weapon is not worth the efforts and time of assembling a car. I checked for availability of spawned UAZ. Remember, it's on European server of my choice.
  4. tomcat705

    Traders and Traitors List

    dennishung +1 quick and efficient trade
  5. oh, an extra sandbag might be useful... can give you that L85 SUSAT for it if still interested.
  6. tomcat705

    Updated Chopper Spawn List ! / ?

    My 4th MH6J
  7. tomcat705

    New Helis already implemented?

    MH6J found yesterday near Altar, 078 063. Usually spawns with NV Goggles inside, but this one did not have them (maybe was looted). The damage status as with any chopper spawn - engine orange, the rest red. Earlier found 3 of them, all in different locations, though similar way in fields near a road.
  8. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    Sure. Got two FN FAL already but the surplus will serve well as a trade stock. And still few charges left after demolishing that cherno shop with bandit inside :)
  9. tomcat705

    Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players

    Great topic and efforts by OP. The guide is good, though slightly biased. How many beginners care if Glock is plastic and Beretta is metal? In fact there is no single valid reason to put M9 above G17 in this game. The video looks somewhat unrealistic, maybe the server runs some ancient DayZ version? Just can't imagine on which universe the zombies drop from single 1911 round to torso. Yeah they should from a 12mm round, but on DayZ they just don't. Focusing on weapon choice, one should not forget the destination of sidearm in DayZ. It is killing zombies with single head shot. Hence, relevant features are: - Accuracy (spread) - Sights (field of view, pointing accuracy) - Loudness - Magazine size - Ammo availability Irrelevant or less important features: - Damage per shot (any will kill with head shot) - Firing range (the sidearm should not be used at distances larger than 50-70m anyway) - Fire rate - Recoil My personal choice is G17 with M9SD mags. The SD mags effect is very valuable for zombie infested dense spaces like cities or barrack / tent areas. However, not recommended for beginners (scarce ammo) and roleplayers (non-suppressed weapon not heard by z's? WTF?) For beginners, G17 with original ammo must be fine, just shoot from some range. Use zoom (right button or "+") when timing allows. Why not M9SD? It is still heard by players. A bandit will be more cautious approaching a player with M9SD (as a player with such weapon is assumed to not be a beginner). But most importantly, it is a lot less accurate than regular M9, let alone the G17 which accuracy wise can be compared only to revolver.
  10. tomcat705

    Traders and Traitors List

    New trade with Heathcz. Smooth and safe, as usual with this trader. +1
  11. tomcat705

    Traders and Traitors List

    DaveAzoicer +1, thank you!
  12. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    The lists updated.
  13. Shun the unbelievers! Yeah the wonders still happen in the pixel trading world.
  14. tomcat705

    Anyone has a Coyote?

    Since coyote is ugly, I use czech and can offer you another one. It is also 24 slot. And what do you call high end? Except tools and clothing?
  15. tomcat705

    What is a satchel charge worth?

    Nobody's, it's the spawn point of it, nearby the white textured one. Usually I destroy them on sight. To give more spawn space for better vehicles. Someone's property is another case. With rare exceptions, I leave it as is.
  16. tomcat705

    Looking for czech backpack

    And looks way cooler.
  17. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    No luck, that sandbag got lost. Hence bump.
  18. tomcat705

    Ghillie Suit ( Official Hive )

    I'll give ya that wookie skin for a M4A3 CCO, if you still need one.
  19. tomcat705

    Sa58v RCO wanted trading DMR (Official hive)

    +1, for another reason: Sa-58 both CCO and ACOG have that cool laser aim feature (same as both L85). While DMR is anything but cool. By the way in current dayz version it is called Sa-58V ACOG, not RCO.
  20. tomcat705

    looking for m40a3

    Oh, and I got a MACHETE for your sandbags :D
  21. tomcat705

    looking for m40a3

    Would like MP5SD + 1 mag. What do you need? A ghillie? ;)
  22. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    Here you go, the little and useful something is wrapped and waiting. Details in PM :)
  23. tomcat705

    [LF] not much left... [FT] see list.

    List updated. At the moment also accept following guns for trade: M4A1 CCO M4A3 CCO MP5 & MP5SD M240 PM to verify if still relevant. As mentioned in subject, got almost anything for trade. That is AS50 with ammo (and other 6-7 types of sniper rifles), L85 / Sa-58 varieties (and other ~10 types of ARs), Bizon SMG, any tools, ammo, sidearms, clothing, Czech backpacks.
  24. tomcat705

    Trading M24 ( Official Hive )

    Would have use of your M4a3 CCO. My spare ghillie suit is wrapped and waiting.
  25. tomcat705

    Trading M24 ( Official Hive )

    LoL, the list of items swallowed by my backpacks is more impressive than most offers of this trade forum. Last occasion was a M4A1 CCO SD gone poof into inventory box of AH6X. Hope it makes you less unhappy :) DMR is better choice for midrange sniping. It is zeroed for 150m (min zoom) and 350m (max zoom), other than that you just memorize the bullet drop corrections. Most importantly, if you miss, you can repeatedly shoot quickly.