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Everything posted by Jameson1971

  1. Jameson1971

    Admins can´t read ?

    As someone that is not a server admin, but who plays the game and checks the forums regularly, the enforcement of both the server rules and anti-hacking seem backward far too often. I see servers that are locked with the same 2-10 players (clan-mates or friends) being the only ones allowed in. I see servers that are locked for hours while the admin's clan goes around re-equipping themselves after their "base" gets raided and their vehicles stolen. I have seen people kicked and banned for raiding said bases, stealing vehicles, or even shooting the admin. These seem to be ok, as they do so on a continuing basis. On the flip-side, I have seen server admins attacked and disciplined for temp-banning unknowns (to give them time to check the logs to find the hacker for a permanent ban) after server-wide hacks/nukes make the server unplayable. Players and admins are both told that they have to provide proof that something wrong has occurred, but whether it is or isn't often doesn't seem to matter. Enforcement on either side appears to be more random than a loot spawn.
  2. Jameson1971

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    That was incredibly mean. It was also exceedingly funny. +1 internets to you, sir.
  3. Jameson1971

    Hatchet Stand off turns into him running away.

    Possibly the most action-packed DayZ vid I've ever seen. Funny to boot. Have a can of beans on me.
  4. Jameson1971

    Is streamsniping considered cheating?

    When you go out of your way to seek attention, you sometimes get "unwanted" attention. If you put a big neon sign over your head and scream "LOOK AT ME!!!", expect to be found by people that you would rather not be seen by.
  5. Jameson1971

    O_o chat

    When you are close to, and facing a ladder, a little green arrow pointing up will appear. I believe the default commands for climbing the ladder (when you get the arrow) are the "Enter" key, or clicking (not scrolling) your middle mouse button. Once you grab onto the ladder, simply move forward ("W" by default) to climb up. There is also another trick since you sometimes fall down the ladder (and often break your legs) when trying to move forward after getting to the top. As soon as you get to the top of the ladder, instead of moving forward immediately, crouch before you move. This usually solves the problem of "glitching" off of the ladder and falling. When trying to go down the ladder, you grab it the same way as going up. Turn until you get the green arrow, then press either "Enter" or the middle mouse button to grab it, but instead of pressing "W", press "S" to climb down once you've grabbed it. If there is still gear at the top of the ladder, you might have trouble getting the green arrow to appear. Just move a little bit and turn yourself until you get the green arrow. You might actually have to face away from or to the side of the ladder to get the green arrow to show up.
  6. Sorry if this has been suggested. I used the search function and came upon many threads suggesting subtle and varying changes to the hydration and hunger systems, but I didn't see anything like this idea: Making water (as opposed to sodas) and cooked food (as opposed to canned food) a more highly sought-after resource. Make them cause your hydration and hunger meters (respectively) increase at a slower rate. My reasoning is this: Both cooked food and fresh water replenish these needs more effectively in a realistic sense. Also, these resources (in general) inside the game come with more risk, or another detriment. Fresh water can only be taken from a few sources in game (as opposed to the almost over-abundance of sodas). This would also have the effect of making water sources such as water pumps, ponds, etc. more valuable. A bonus if players are ever able to "take over" an area that contains one of these sources. Also, canteens have the drawback of continuing to take up space in your inventory, even when they are empty (and therefore useless to you until refilled). Cooked food also comes with several drawbacks. Yes, it does replenish more health than canned food does. But in order to get cooked meat, you first have to fire a weapon (often multiple times) to kill the animal. You have to have a knife in order to harvest the meat. You need matches and kindling to cook it (either found, or harvested from the woods via the hatchet). Often times, animals are in open fields, thereby increasing risk. You have to fire a weapon, which is also a risk. You need at least two specific tools (knife and matches) and possibly 3 (hatchet). Having a fire going is also a risk (draws PKs). I am not a programmer. I have no idea how difficult this would be to code into the game. I just thought I would throw this out there, and see what sticks (so to speak). My thanks if you've read this long-winded explaination, and it doeasn't make you want to shoot me on sight. ;)
  7. Jameson1971

    What is "Binocular_Vector"?

    How does one go about using one of these rangefinders? I know someone that has one, but cannot figure out how to actually use it. From what I understand, there aren't any commands for it listed under the keybindings. It won't come up with the context menu through the mouse-wheel (whether he has a weapon, or his binoculars equipped). He says that it takes the same slot on the gear/character sheet as the NVG's, but the "N" button doesn't bring them up. Several others have thrown ideas at him as well, but none of them seem to work. He has had them for quite a while, so perhaps it was something that was removed in one of the subsequent patches. If this is true, at least he can ditch it the next time we run across another set of NVG's.