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About Yoshi1991

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Yoshi1991


    Im not just talking about this one topic though its right through the forum.
  2. Yoshi1991


    Is the whole point in bringing out the alpha not to find bugs that would otherwise be missed or take longer to find and get the community to report any bugs they find or make suggestions on how to improve the game over all? So why then are the "its in alpha" patrol out in force and jumping on anyone that actually reports a bug?
  3. Yoshi1991

    First player to play experience in SA?

    Just entered elektro when I spotted a couple of players who where clearly together, both with hatchets, I had a shovel. We talked and they acted friendly but I could sense they had evil intentions. Tried to politely shake them off on the way though town but to no avail. We ended up at the school and I decided enough was enough, I would give them there opertunity to get me and see if they would take it. So I made sure one of them were right behind me and I headed up the ladder to the roof, and sure enough, hatchet in the back. I knew I could escape if I really wanted to but the hit got me pretty good so I took a few swings at him with my spade as he climbed up behind me then when he got to the top he have me one more good thud with the hatchet and I was done.
  4. Yoshi1991

    Looking for a DayZ vanilla server!

    uk352 is the server I call home. Usually always full of players, friendly and effective admin and good feeling around the place. There is a facebook page as well that you can post on if there is no admin online and normally any issues are delt with fast.
  5. Yoshi1991

    Hi everyone!! New and excited!

    I would say avoid playing with expericenced players, experienced players have bad habbits. Play on your own or with another noobie and make mistakes for yourself. You learn more from your own mistakes than the mistakes of others.
  6. Yoshi1991

    The Moment of SA Launch

    On the day, moment ,of launch, can we have every server start at the exact same time, with a count down from 10? So we can then watch every single Dayz player, as a fresh spawn, sprint to NWAF all at the same time?
  7. I run Dayz on my laptop, although on very low quality. Just make sure you are squeezing all the juice out of it, don't have anything else running at the same time, make sure you are running high performance.
  8. Yoshi1991

    No more 50 cals!

    I think the shot to kill hp should be more about where you are hit. Most guns in real life will kill you in 1 shot, depending on where you are hit, I don't see why it should be any different in game. Why should a makarov do less damage than any other pistol. The things that should be different from gun to gun is range, accuracy, size / weight of round, bullet drop etc. It shouldnt be about how many hit you, more about how and where.
  9. Yoshi1991

    Keys and what not.

    Well that didnt work, and I still can't figure out what the command is named under in the control options.
  10. Yoshi1991

    Keys and what not.

    Never thought of that, will try that tomorrow.
  11. Yoshi1991

    Keys and what not.

    Thanks man, had a look but still can't find it :| . Its been bothering me for a while. Beans for your attempted help. :beans:
  12. Yoshi1991

    Best DayZ YouTubers

    JackFrags's channel is up there with Frankie for me. Love his hive bandits videos. I also like watching his adventures with Frankie from Jacks point of view. Gives you a really good feel for their tactics and thought process.
  13. Ok so long story short, my insert key and number pad 0 are the same thing. When ever I press the key it brings up my sights. Because of this I can't bring up my info, kills, humanity etc. I have tried finding the command in the control option so I could change the key binding but simply can't find it. Does anyone know how to change the key binding for this command or if there is an alternative way of doing it? Cheers.
  14. Yoshi1991

    Dayz connection.

    Sorry, if a mod can move that would be good.
  15. Yoshi1991

    Dayz connection.

    For some reason, when ever I disconnect from dayz my internet cuts out and I need to troubleshoot to fix it. Anyone know how to sort this? Its only just recently started happening.