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Posts posted by heatproofsean

  1. There IS a silenced Sniper Rifle that people can hack in' date=' but no LEGIT silenced sniper rifle in DayZ

    Found one of those silenced snipers a week or so ago, on a character that was just standing there along with a silenced PDW, Rangefinder and NVG.

    Grabbed the sniper rifle and played around with it for a couple of minutes popping zombies, before I dumped it in the woods along with the rest of the gear. Wasn't worth the risk, for sure

    Here's the pic of the sniper rifle/silenced PDW that the guy had.


    The silenced PDW is a legit weapon. that rifle looks like a Scar CCO SD, which is not a lootable weapon in dayz

  2. we found a UN Basic Weapons Create (possible a hacker spawned it) and took various weapons inc a RPG. Well one of our friends was getting a lift in a helio. So 5 of us went to a town and told our 6th friend to tell the helio to drop him off where we were so he collect his gear.

    As soon as it landed we fired the RPG which toppled the helio (but didnt destroy it). Then we zerg'ed it and kill everyone who ran out. Now we (once the fuel bug is fixed) we have a Helio!

    Best thing is they don't realise it was bandits! they blamed it on the Pilot!
