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Everything posted by haviv[3rdid]

  1. Decisions have to be made, the game has to move forward even if that means early adopters will have to pay a price.
  2. haviv[3rdid]

    Still think this is a good game?

    Actually I think he's just a cat lover.
  3. haviv[3rdid]

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Maybe they are tougher than they let on? Sun Tzu in action.
  4. haviv[3rdid]

    Standalone Dayz???

    Maybe someone will come out with another mod for all of the 'stranded' ArmA2 players.
  5. haviv[3rdid]

    In game Brony Meetup!

    That actually does sound like something from the show.
  6. haviv[3rdid]

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Pony actually said that in the show? :o
  7. haviv[3rdid]

    Ban some bandits.

    Yes, it's a good simulation of what it would be like trying to survive in a world where people like to kill for fun. That's why DayZ is so popular.
  8. haviv[3rdid]

    Ban some bandits.

    You must be new here. :)
  9. haviv[3rdid]

    Ban some bandits.

    The whole point of this 'stuff' is to use it to kill. This game isn't about collecting trinkets to show off.
  10. haviv[3rdid]

    so, hacking is here to stay apparently

    He wrote naitivity, not nativity. Completely different word even though it doesn't exist in the English language.Chalk that up to naiveté!
  11. haviv[3rdid]

    so, hacking is here to stay apparently

    Because if everyone is turned off by the mod's problems, nobody will be around by the time standalone comes out. The mod is his PR so he has to have a good reputation.
  12. If DayZ is based on ArmA3 then people will get a completely new game and I think people will be happy. But it's based on ArmA2 with no mod support and slightly better performance then yeah it's going to be a tough sell to the million who already have ArmA2. Maybe you will buy it but it won't be fun playing on a few empty servers (someone has to pay for the servers and they are more than $30).
  13. haviv[3rdid]

    In game Brony Meetup!

    No hate...you'll just be bombed with LOVE!!!!!
  14. The last thing Rocket needs is for everyone to be down on the DayZ mod before the standalone comes out.
  15. haviv[3rdid]

    So I'm throwing my money

    Maybe if you buy ArmA3 you'd get the standalone for free.
  16. Rocket works for BIS but he's not in charge of the company. He can't release a standalone on his own.
  17. Please read this http://www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Sense-of-Humor
  18. Nobody buys something for a promise that it will take care of a problem. People can play on private servers to avoid the hackers.
  19. OK I guess you can forget about subbing for Conan. NEXT!
  20. haviv[3rdid]

    Things you are most excited for in an ARMA 3 DAYZ

    1) and 4) you can already get in ArmA2.
  21. People bought ArmA2 to play DayZ; they expect DayZ to be completed. They aren't going to be so happy during the next few months if the updates stop coming out and the hackers keep increasing. By the time DayZ standalone comes out, many people won't look at it too kindly.
  22. It's already on the ArmA2 engine. There are a million people with ArmA2/DayZ and now they will have to buy another game just to play DayZ.
  23. haviv[3rdid]

    Why I like to play on private hive server

    It would solve the hacker problem. Hive was a nice dream but it doesn't work for an alpha mod on the ArmA2 engine. Maybe it would work for standalone dayZ
  24. I wonder how many farmville players...OK I will be kind. How many Mafia Wars players...
  25. We make our own content and achievements. Games shouldn't do it for us.