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Everything posted by haviv[3rdid]

  1. haviv[3rdid]

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    If everyone grouped up with their friends then I don't think anyone would have an advantage.
  2. haviv[3rdid]

    Infected Water

    You have to cook the meat before you can eat it so why not water?
  3. haviv[3rdid]

    geometric respawn timer

    This is a survival game. Death is supposed to really suck. I don't think losing your gear is sucky enough.
  4. haviv[3rdid]

    My argument for less damaging, less accurate guns

    Just make everyone use ironsights like on hardcore servers.
  5. haviv[3rdid]

    many players are quitting

    No "When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me"
  6. haviv[3rdid]

    Anti-Bandit System, Scrap Humanity

    If you kill for self defense or you just happen to come across a dead player, you're going to be branded a murderer because there's blood all over you?
  7. haviv[3rdid]

    A Realistic Means of Facilitating Group Play

    "1 – All members of a group should have the same or similar clothing or some identifying piece of clothing such as a certain color cap, bandana, arm band etc. This would allow group members to identify one another and therefore lessen the perceived need to shoot on sight." I agree but only if they WANT to. Even still, no guarantee one member won't become a traitor or double agent. This would be useful for people who want to be known as 'sheriffs' or even rival bandit gangs. But there should always be the ability for members of a group to look like everyone else.
  8. haviv[3rdid]

    How much would you pay?

    If it was a full standalone game it would be dumbed down severely and most gamers wouldn't even know the difference because they think a bullet travels in a straight line from the sights. They wouldn't think of checking the stars to figure out where north is. There are a lot of things that any other hardcore zombie game wouldn't include but this does because the rest of the ArmA community expects it.
  9. Well, there are many ArmA2 fans who can quote every single detail that their military mods replicate and some of them are a little ticked off that all these people are playing vanilla ArmA2 just to kill zombies. Zombies are 'mainstream' and they don't want Bohemia to focus on dayz instead of developing the most accurate milsim.
  10. haviv[3rdid]

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    I would LIKE to play at night if it wasn't so unrealistically dark.
  11. haviv[3rdid]


    DayZ is actually pretty good for alpha. Most of DayZ's problems come from the clunky ArmA2 engine plus Chernarus isn't the most modern map (lots of non-enterable buildings that drive me nuts)
  12. The solution is reverse time servers. That way you can play with light on a local server even if you can only play at night.
  13. haviv[3rdid]

    Advanced Navigation without Tools

    If you are in a local server, the time is your time. So you can use your own watch, right?
  14. haviv[3rdid]

    Animal Danger.

    Also, get rid of cows and sheep. There's no civilization and no domestication. If you want food, you will have to learn how to hunt wild animals.
  15. haviv[3rdid]

    Sense of Smell and Campfires...

    You'll think twice about those beans and sardines once there's a smell-o-meter!
  16. haviv[3rdid]

    Stopping to change weapons...

    Another thing that ACE fixed. But even that isn't so obvious because you'd need to run ace clippi...hey I didn't design this game...
  17. haviv[3rdid]

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    What's next? The Occupy Chernarus movement? Just another opportunity for more easy kills and delicious tears.
  18. haviv[3rdid]

    DayZ "Class/Profession" System Idea

    " I can always crawl around and never worry about attracting zombies." That should change!
  19. haviv[3rdid]

    New map completly.

    I like that Chernarus is full of forests and small towns. It's very dreary and spooky. Zombies in Afghanistan or in some resort island sounds like a cheesy movie sequel straight to DVD.
  20. haviv[3rdid]

    Petition for a New Type of Zombie

    So I guess Predator is out of the question...