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Everything posted by Runda20

  1. So, How long till Choppers are re-added?
  2. Runda20

    Video of car/bus chase and shootout

    Oh I love the M107 Fire....
  3. Also, M107 Mags have more rounds in a clip than the AS50.
  4. Runda20

    bow and arrows

    I think that you should be able to find a Bow in a Deer Stand and some arrows, and arrows can also be found in barns and remote resident loot spawns, but bow ONLY spawn in Deer Stands it would make the most sense to have them spawn there.
  5. Runda20


    Ok ok ok, so to make you ALL HAPPY :D, Why not make it so when you die your heart beats for 30 seconds slowly going out and if you make it there, YOU CAN SAVE THE PERSON!! There now we have a heart beating about to STOP!
  6. Runda20


    +1 I like the idea nothing can be real as it would in real life because you know you break your leg by falling 2 feet...
  7. Runda20

    how the F do I respawn

    Let it load at loading and creating screen, so many people playing it will take a while -.-
  8. Runda20

    Military skin?

    Military skin is a hacked skin, you cant find it ANYWHERE on the map as far as I know its 100% hacked in because there was a group of like 7-8 guys who had the skin, they ALL got banned global battle eye or some shit...If you check the wiki its not in the wiki, doesn't mean anything but the point is people I see get the skin are banned within a few weeks they just disappear...
  9. Runda20

    World too big for own good?

    Map is small, need more places to camp out at...
  10. +1 I LOVE the looks of that skin...