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Everything posted by Yash

  1. I used to b friendly until i learned not to trust anyone
  2. Hey, Im 28 and im looking for some older players to group up with, i have vent and skype but im not sure what my skype name is so post urs if ur interested, also im in the pacific time zone.
  3. Yash

    Gas station roof, any ideas?

    Hover another heli just above the roof, close enough to open its cargo
  4. Hey, sounds good, ill hop on now
  5. Yash

    Someone to team up with.

    Hey, im down, do u have skype
  6. Yash

    Looking For A Team...?

    Im down to group up
  7. Spent almost 2 hours scavanging and making my way to the northwest airfield. Once I finally got there I found a car, and a crashed heli, the heli had about 6 zombies so I figured I would use a grenade, unfortunatly I only tapped the trigger button so the grenade pretty much plopped right in front of me, it was a fast painless death.
  8. Killian I think thats ur name, Im the guy u gave the enfield to before I dced waaay back, gimme a shout if u c this, ingame name is yash
  9. Did i hear weed?!? Im down to play, do u have skype?
  10. ill roll with u, wats ur skype?
  11. Yash

    Looking for a team

    I added u on skype
  12. Yash

    dayz has killed gaming for me

    Eve online is the only other game that gives me an adrenaline rush, like dayz there r consequences to death, completely different genre though, i havnt touched it since i got dayz lol
  13. Im not sure what my username is on skype but i added u
  14. Hey im interested, I live in vancouver (cali time zone)
  15. Hey im down to play but i dont have skype, is there any other options? I can download it worst case
  16. Yash

    Looking for some new teammates.

    Ill roll with u, add me on steam, account names ypourn