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Everything posted by eric4483

  1. eric4483

    Did a hive go down or...

    Sorry, i dont understand the post? Can you explain a little?
  2. eric4483

    The new joint

    Awesome pictures haha the "sound originator" made me laugh, beans mate
  3. First shot was a wiff, that second one though, with only the top 1/10th of his body above the wall..... very clean. B) Keep up the struggle
  4. eric4483

    'Bandits' vs 'Bandits / Heroes', it depends.

    Great video guys, keep up the good work!! Edited for beans :D
  5. eric4483

    How To: Help someone with broken legs (Hardcore Mode)

    Loved that he axed the dude with broken legs nigh on 7-8 times. I have no problem slaughtering people at airfields, military outposts and the like but you are clearly so bad at this game that your gameplay will never progress beyond electro. Cheers and enjoy Spawngenerator 2: The Axing burn in hell
  6. I dont think that hackers have the power to wipe whole servers right now and (PLEASE!!) correct me if im wrong. 300 hours of gameplay here and i havent seen hide nor hair of a single hacker. I have seen videos of teleports and such but nothing like godmode admin resets. Is this hacking something that REALLY requires a server wide rollback atm? Really? because some dude teleported around electro and killed 2 newspawns and a camper before getting shot himself?
  7. I can confirm this happens frequently enough to me as to piss me right the fuck off. Its too often to be a coincidence in any case, kill 3 guys run down hill to gleefully grab gear from corpses (with headshot wounds to boot) anddddd reset. probably 8th or 9th time this has happened in the last two months. Unfriggenbelievable that there even exists such a thing as a magic reset button. F that, I totally agree to a 5 min timer that starts when the nuke button is hit, SO many admins who like to piss off people who can out-play them 7 days a week and take their server farmed gear. EDIT: re-read some of the posts, I personally hate hoppers BUT i think the whole, kick-make-private-hive-hurr-durr-i-paid-for-it-so-fuck-off admin policies are JUST as bad if not worse because they stop legitimate players from playing on PUBLIC (!!!) servers. Your both wrong >:( :emptycan:
  8. eric4483

    DayZ Anti Smoking Advertisement

    Nice work hahah i had a good laugh
  9. eric4483

    F*8k your car I got a horse outside

    Cars are NOT OP haha get it through your heads!!! NOBODY enjoys the 12km hike north, never have (disclaimer: with rare few exceptions!!) and vehicles will give clans, groups, and the lucky lone suvivor something to strive for besides a bullet between the OP's eyes. Wake up!!
  10. eric4483

    Sujjestion for the game experience

    Large text haha. Hard to get past buuuttt all of these will be added in time, but left to the developers discretion as to how/when. Good suggestion. Use spellcheck
  11. eric4483

    Spring Loaded Bear Traps? Different Traps?

    just look at the mod, these work amazingly well in night servers haha no one can see them. so many deaths from the frag trip wires >;D
  12. eric4483

    Snipering and reading

    This is hilarious, a thread with people who either A. Enjoy more interactive content and see nothing wrong with adding in a feature thats as entertaining as this, or B. People who hate it when (talented) men and women like myself take their gear from 600m away. Im totally giving beans, would LOVE to see the butthurt when I nail someone for standing still in the ATC while reading War and Peace or some other classic hahaha
  13. eric4483

    Remove Human AI

    Yeah as stated above AI will never, (ever) make it into this game -zombies.
  14. eric4483

    Persistand Objects...

    To be very clear do NOT go around saying "oh i think it's confirmed" and then 2 posts later say it's confirmed. FYI its not, not even close. Taking-over buildings will almost assuredly never happen with the only "base building" thats confirmed for above ground additions being things like sandbags and barbed wire, things already in the mod. Any kind of serious player created bases will be limited to tents/converted backpacks or underground bases (Which we will not see for nigh on a year) so hold your horses and check your facts!
  15. eric4483

    Snowy places, skiing

    Haahha upvoted for sneaky writing and the flame-fueled comment after. Spacial awareness haha, id personally love some snowy regions to put the winter hunting gear to good use :D
  16. ^ this. I look forward to advanced military type gear like the compass model thats out, the NVGs, the GPS style items that effectively help with space conservation, IE a GPS lets you drop a compass and a map. a pair of NVGs let you drop lanterns, flashlights, gas cannisters (but carry 400 batteries.) I cant wait, but at the same time I hope it's nigh impossible to find them
  17. eric4483

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Send prayers to those over in Kiev. These people know suffering and unrest like none of us will.
  18. eric4483

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    I would appreciate having an item to counter the darkness, maybe not IR, I saw what happened to that in the mod and i think it would be set up for failure.
  19. eric4483

    Death Script Servers

    Hey all, So i searched for this and couldn't find anything (correct me if im wrong! Still new to the forums). Anyway i joined a server that was titled something like "dont join or die instantly" and i thought it was a joke, like the "going-out-of-business" sales model. I indeed spawned a new character without any of my guns/food etc. I thought it might be one of those wanky hives that isnt quite connected to the main hive 100% of the time so I joined a different one....same character. A friend experimented with the same results, losing much more than I did. Now I know i was "warned" i guess but is this allowed? running a server with an instant death script? I thought that went against the fair use policies for a public server. Thanks for the imput, would love to hear if anyone else had this happen too. -Eric
  20. eric4483

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    Every. Single. Time.
  21. eric4483

    Snipers for Stealth

    Hey everyone, Looking for a few things but i think we can come to an arrangement. -SVD Camo, 6+ mags -NVGs -Rangefinder Now this is what i have. -M107, 4 mags -DMR, 26 mags, -CZ, 10 mags -40 cooked food, all meds, GPS, Compass. Let me know, looking forward to trading! Also will only trade with reputable members on the forum, i'll be checking posted lists for recommendations and such.
  22. eric4483

    Taviana hackers.

    Solid proof pics. This should get interesting hearing those players try to defend the many massive, simultaneous explosions going on around you.
  23. Sooo basicly this is arma 2? with some zombies. somewhere. What a terrible idea...