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Everything posted by PsychoGloom

  1. Im having trouble finding you on skype the name doesnt come up with anything and "Shinks" comes up with numerous options
  2. Name: PsychoGloom Age: 18 Timezone: GMT+10 Bio: Generally good guy willing to follow orders or screw around depending on the situation Experience: Been playing for 3 months and have played with my friends but looking for something more serious Contact Details: Skype: Hoolemore554 Steam: Psychogloom TS3: Psychogloom Forums: Psychogloom P.S my net is currently capped at its limit so i wont be able to play for a few days
  3. PsychoGloom

    Group Tactics; Whats your Tips?

    Alot of private hives including balota buddies request that you be on teamspeak as it has 2 fold reasons. 1. Finding a random player and teaming up with them it is better if they have teamspeak as you can get to know eachother better (Also appliable to direct comms) 2. Most admins/moderators can be found in the teamspeak so running into issues/bugs/hackers can be resolved quickly and privately (Weve had our squad members banned due to a bug involving spawning and a ural)
  4. PsychoGloom

    Group Tactics; Whats your Tips?

    Almost any smart team uses external programs as you usually have control over who hears or not also side chat can work but that is asking for trouble.
  5. PsychoGloom

    Group Tactics; Whats your Tips?

    Sadly if im perfectly honest my friends are idiots at best... I've played BB and watched teamwork there and sad to say even though we have our general kits and our preferred weapons we still a disfunctional even though we have roles.
  6. My worst/best moment? On taviana with my mates we were pretty geared up with a suv and ural. We were on a 700+ vehicle server (Don't ask why we were bored) and one of my friends tried to fly a plane at the sw airfield and failed but landed it somehow about 10 second later i watch our ural and suv get blown up with the plane... we had 30 odd high end guns and gear to last us a liftime in there and they burned it all. Needless to say i shot my friend who drove the ural into the plane and grabbed my hatchback which i had fixed a couple min ago when i was on a medical run. And theres also the time that i tried crossing the large bridge connecting the 2 islands in taviana with an atv. Needless to say alot of shenanigans ensued. Just a tip dont try driving across that bridge with an atv.
  7. PsychoGloom

    Group Tactics; Whats your Tips?

    This is how my squad normally operates. 1X Sniper - Playing overwatch he is the best of us altough we all can use sniper rifles. Generally uses a dmr as its common ammo (Has a backup m14 aim as same ammo as dmr and equipped with ghillie and a coyote first) 2X Scavenger/Looters - These people know all the good loot spawns know how to efficently run into a city get whats needed and be out in under 10 minutes (This is with cities like cherno and elektro) 1X CQC - Close quarters combat specialist who usually is the guy who youll see feeding info to the sniper/taking out zeds/players 1X Jack of trades (me) - Can cover everything above and generally the leader of the team (albeit i never was voted in) We also all knows how to fly planes choppers etc etc cause thats neccessary. As well as we all carry an epi morphine and blood bags for everyone. We also use teamspeak because keeping info rolling between each other is difficult without everyone hearing you. Also never take anything seriously most of the time we shoot eachother depending if noone is around by accident and have a good laugh.