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About blayzor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. hey, so yesterday play with six worked fine starting, but now it won't even come up in the task manager when i try to start it. So i downloaded dayz commander with hope that it would work, but no, the same thing happend there. Anyone know the problem? Thanks!
  2. blayzor

    Bad Fps

    Wrote wrong, it's overclocked to 4.5* not 4.3, but still it should be quite enough?
  3. blayzor

    Bad Fps

    Hey, Haven't played Dayz for a while but decided to start again and try out my new computer and have some fun. But funny thing is that my old Graphics card wich was amd 6990(is a powerful card) performs better than my new GTX titan. My Gtx Titan has the same Fps on all the different settings wich is quite strange, i get around 50 fps on every setting, very low to very high and that seems to me is very strange. Here is my computer specs : Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz( overclocked to 4.5) Memory: 8192MB RAM Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN 6GB Anyone know a fix for this? Thanks-!