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About Selvo

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    On the Coast

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    Name is Selvo. I admin Seattle 7 US866. I kill bandits plain and simple. See ya round. *Tiphat*
  1. Selvo

    US 866 / Seattle 7 (FREE TACOS!!!)

    Hello Daviuuun. Selvo here, admin at 866. After reading your story (A rather entertaining story at that) I'd like to say that for the last few weeks I have been the only admin playing. Most of the team has been busy playing DayZ Origins. I'd like to say that I was not the one who banned you. Some of us ban people who have ran scripts during the later hours of the night from the server logs the next morning. If you were banned for a script that we found in the logs, I'd be more than happy to take a look into it. If you could PM me your GUID I'll see what I can find out and possibly lift the ban if it was indeed false. Thank you. Selvo FPoC - US866 Admin Team