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Everything posted by Jebex

  1. I've just rented a server from survivalservers.com. Now I got a problem... My servers mission isnt starting, on dayz commander it says "Not playing - This server has either just restarted or it is not in state that allows you to play". I have installed the newest arma and dayz patches and its running on the newest version.
  2. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    Didnt help, still ppl getting disconnect straight after joining...
  3. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    Ive reinstalled arma version 102591 and chernarus version on mod manager. How can I update BE version? On updates it shows newest BE version is 8/9/2012.
  4. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    How I do that? Ive rented server from survivalservers.com
  5. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    Heres console log http://pastebin.com/ECJSrzTe
  6. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    That hauxhall is player who could play a moment, those who tries to connect does not shot on the log... So what should I do next? Reinstall updates or something?
  7. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    Heres that arma2oa log http://hidemyass.com/files/TQlo8/ Proshooter is me and Randomi is my friend who can play normally.
  8. Jebex

    Server game not starting?

    Ok, now got the email and I can play on the server. Now i got new problem, when players join the server they get kicked. Over 10 players have tried to join and 9 of them got kicked instantly. It goes like this: PLAYER is connecting PLAYER uses modified data file PLAYER is connected PLAYER is disconnected What should I do?