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Everything posted by lookingeast

  1. lookingeast


    Currently there are some basic traces usable to track players. Foot steps. Gun shot sounds. Grass laying down flat. Iv seen suggestions of blood trails. I like this idea. If bleeding you leave a trail. If you rummage through a dead guys things you get bloody hands ( until washed ) I want to also suggest bullet shell casings. When you shoot a gun they dont disappear by themselves. This would allow players to investigate scenes. Find a dead body. See he was shot. Find .45 shell casings. Know it was an m1911. See a bloodtrail. Follow. Ect.
  2. lookingeast

    Dear Jon

    Dear Jon, You and I met up in Electro, I heard your shots, and offered you a soda can, You didn't need one, but you did need the extra matches I had found. We Quickly Found two blood bags to top off our blood meters. And then off to zelenogorsk we went. In zelenegorsk we ran into another player, we shot at him, but didn't kill him..... and after looting the marketplace we lost each other. As we had before, you through a flare so I could find you, low and behold I see the player that we had shot at before, many many meters away from your flare, on the other side of the market even. I pull out the cz 550 that we had found, and shot him " Jon was killed " I am sorry Jon. I really didn't know it was you. You moved away from the identifying flare, and we had recently run into another player.
  3. lookingeast

    Root of the problem

    The problem isn't that people can dc in combat. The problem is they have a safe place to retreat to on another server. Move characters to a server side save. With only authentication via hive and you will solve Dc to avoid pvp death ( player will just wait on you yo log back in ) Server hopping
  4. lookingeast


    IF cannibalism is added to the game, which may or may not happen. I suggest adding Kuru Disease to the game along with it. In game symptoms could vary based on developer taste. I personally like the idea because it would add another group to watch out for, survivors, bandits, and now those with the shakes/shivers/laughs what ever symptom you chose to describe this as.
  5. lookingeast


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease) Kuru Is a disease that is known to transmit via cannibalism ( or ingestion in general of infected material ) In common media it is seen as the "shakes" but it also has other noticable symptoms. You can't catch it by being near someone with it. only eating human and ingesting a Prion, or misfolded protein.
  6. lookingeast

    Root of the problem

    From experience I would say that most players wouldn't wait very long. Ofcourse there will be a few who do. Log out and go yo bed. Or to get food that is. But most want to play the game. And will likely not wait that long. People are incredibly impatient. And if they do leave, so what? The point is, you either play the game and die. Or you dont play the game. You shouldn't be able to pick and chose what senerio you want to play out by switching to a new world instantly.
  7. lookingeast

    Possible idea

    I don't know if this would be possible, but if each character was saved per server, there would be no server hopping. Ghosting. And much less dcing to avoid pvp death. I know the hive central server helps fight hacking. But instead of leaving characters logged in for x time as suggested many times before. Why not remove the ability to log back in safely. This would still leave dc to avoid zed. And, at worst logging out all night to avoid pvp death. Otherwise you could sit and wait on the person.
  8. I think the fact that you can only tell those people to shut up makes them all the more right. Its just an alpha. You shut up, and be patient.
  9. From a Rrezzed QnA " I want the player to feel terrified, I want them to feel frustrated, I want them to quit for 20 minuets, I want them to go hhmmmmm you know what actually I might play that again " I was in olsha, near NE airfield. I had recently found an M107. I was doing good. But I got careless. I ran through olsha shooting zed thinking " who else would be out this far? ". I was wrong. Two loud shots ring out and I fall over dead. I don't rage. I get up quietly and go to bed. and the next day after work I take a deep breath and start again. It was awesome.
  10. I am more likely to shoot a female on sight. Most likely any female characters in game are being played by males who are either 1. Perverted. or 2. looking for a way slip past other players defenses. so I shot on sight. TLDR: Female characters are lying males behind PCs. I shoot on sight.
  11. lookingeast

    Delete or heavily modify broken leg mechanic.

    The game is meant to be hard, and realistic. - Yes, It is very UNREALISTIC though that a human sized being, with comparable strength , would break your bone in one hit, especially a leg. Instead of breaking a bone, which you couldn't fix with morphine anyway, I suggest a dislocated knee. ( if you've ever had this happen its far more painful that a break ). The knee could be slid back into place with an induction, and still not be used for x time due to pain, if you are lucky enough to have morphine you can use it, and walk on the leg early. But, if you stress that knee again too quickly, it has a higher chance of happening again. This seems to be the most realistic solution.
  12. lookingeast

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    I would agree to this if you drastically cut your ammounts of regeneration down. You don't fall down to near lethal blood levels then in 3 hours run around fine. There is a reason red cross makes you wait so long to give blood. And thats a relativly small amount.