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About s0ulassassin

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Well played sir, you have my beans!
  2. s0ulassassin

    My frustrating First 13 Hours

    Idk you seem to be alt tabing in a few of your deaths.. my guess would be to not alt tab while still in game. Also if you are new.. don't go into Cherno or Elektro.. there are way better spots to get gear and get off the coast. Look for deer stands for instance or if you got balls go to Balota. Don't let the deaths get you down.. You are suppose to die and welcome to DayZ
  3. s0ulassassin

    In NW Airfield. Up For A Trade??

    or hunting knife lmao.. what a terrible trap.
  4. s0ulassassin

    Is up north dead now?

    I basically don't go North now since I'm solo most of the time. Since I have been solo I just pvp in cherno and elektro now and honestly have more fun than trying to survive for long periods of time.
  5. He means the capacity is lower.. Not the amount of ammo or infinite ammo........
  6. s0ulassassin

    What do youy do if you see a player

    Shoot to kill!
  7. s0ulassassin

    official 1.62 patch is out

    same for me just finished updating
  8. Another ignorant/useless thread from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about...
  9. First off.. all servers are clan servers/hosted by clans... I love how because of this you automatically assume it is the admins/clan of the server that are cheating. Second.. your supposed "proof" proved nothing. Your proof consisted of screenshots of tents with crap loot and a picture of a car. Awesome job. You sure nailed those hackers. Lets stop this witch hunt already and get back to playing Dayz or in your case running around your house doing lame training exercises >_>
  10. s0ulassassin

    Triple kills in DayZ are amazing.

    Awesome! I myself got a triple kill at Balota last night as well. I was running up to the hangers with my AKM. (Recent hacker killed the whole server so I didn't have anything else with me) Anyways.. I came across 2 dudes and 1 chick looting the hangers, so I hide behind a truck and laid down and waited for them to enter my kill zone. needless the say they died pretty quick and as I was getting the last guy I heard over direct chat "Why are you killing us?!!" It was so funny and I still am shocked I got all 3.
  11. s0ulassassin

    Heli crash site mechanics

    Everything I have heard about the crash sites is that they don't respawn loot.. Now I have to try this
  12. s0ulassassin

    hack advertising... wtf

    There isn't anything an admin can do though...
  13. I suppose we should get rid of chat/voice in every game. It would make it better imo since I want zero interaction with people I play with
  14. s0ulassassin

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    Thanks for sharing op!