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Everything posted by lolcoppter

  1. lolcoppter

    The problems I've found so far with 1.7.7

    I didn't even realize there was a new patch, I have been busy with Breaking Point.
  2. Am I the only one concerned about the jumping zombies?
  3. This is always an option I'm too lazy to actually upload the photo
  4. So i was standing out in the middle of a field when all of a sudden a chopper just came flying at me so i used my hovering abilities to reach the chopper then i successfully chopped off the propellers the helicopter crash landed in the city after colliding with a hospital building.. but atlas my blink ability was on cool down so i could not reach it in time to retrieve the loot :( i'll spend the next 7 years editing the video for your viewing pleasure but here is a simulation to show you what it looked like http://imgur.com/CPX7t
  5. lolcoppter


    Regretted this as soon as i posted it how do i delete a thread?
  6. lolcoppter


    I didn't read what forum i was posting this on because i'm an idiot xD
  7. +1 for story -1 for lack of proof so you get NOTHING from me!
  8. Turn this game into CoD and ill kill myself
  9. I'm almost certain that there are more people than just me that are annoyed that trolls edit the wikia with false information.. Does anyone else care? http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/6839/bakedbeans.png Link to a picture up above I admit its kind of funny but the miss information is kinda annoying...
  10. lolcoppter


    What about when a guys bleeding a fountain of blood out of hes skull there can be some blood texture on the floors or walls if he brushes them.... and each blood texture that are made last for like 3 minutes
  11. lolcoppter

    Trolls on the wikia

  12. lolcoppter


    Oh god i need this in my signature
  13. lolcoppter

    DayZ Trade suggestion

    Bottlecaps as currency!!
  14. lolcoppter


  15. Hey Bottle, I once grabbed a pushbike of the side of a road and there was a flare on it wonder if it was yours lol.. xD I usually want to go out of my way to help people because I'm just so nice but i always end up getting back stabbed or killed :c
  16. As I'm a male and i typically use a male model this doesn't really concern me but my friends girlfriend plays this and she generally picks the female model but what do you know she cant wear a ghillie suit like us so she stands out like a volcano on a beach so I'm all for ghillies for the female models i know its not a priority but I'm sure its on their list...
  17. lolcoppter


    If you shoot a guy in the face ever notice he's bleeding a fountain of blood????? Only for him to run away?? Well how about they add a little splash of blood on the ground occasionally when he bleeds? It cant be that hard to do just some kind of red texture on the ground every now and again when he bleeds.. It would be more realistic seeing as a fountain of blood in coming out of hes forehead.. you would assume that there would be blood am i right? Like if he brushes a wall some blood will go there and on the floor just every like 5 seconds and last until he bandages or something... I think that would be cool anyway..
  18. lolcoppter

    New ideas for DayZ

    I'm all for instances, Have my beans :beans:
  19. He experiences lag when we are on his countries servers he can run Starcraft II highest graphics with no lag and he cant even play this on the lowest settings with no lag so did he install wrong or what? he bought it via steam Acer Aspire 5741G IntelCore i3 M 330M Nvidia Geforce GT 320M 4 GB Ram That is his computer specs or whatever ^^^^
  20. Can you recommend a CPU that he could get? cheapest that could run it?