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Everything posted by bjwimer

  1. So it seems the ones that say that the engine sucks only have complaints about the stuff DayZ brought to it. Play the actual game and you will see it is very well done. In the actual game you don't break your legs in doors. There inventory in DayZ has been essentially hacked in so it wasn't really supposed to be there to begin with.
  2. bjwimer

    DayZ Utes w/ Download

    Just played it. Don't waste your time. Not enough loot areas for such a small DM map.
  3. bjwimer

    DayZ Utes w/ Download

    I made a hunger games mod for this map... now no one will play when they can play the same thing with zombies instead of dogs. Thanks a lot.
  4. 8 hours of loot farming? Might as well get a job and make money.
  5. bjwimer

    Come join us on our new server....

    Information on server type before we waste the 5 min downgrade and load time. 3rd = on/off Player tags = on/off Waypoints = on/off Pandas = on/off
  6. bjwimer

    DayZ people... do you play ARMA?

    Arma 2 hipster here. I had Arma 2 before it was cool. I only heard of dayz because the multiplayer list was getting spammed with them over and over. There are tons of mods I have downloaded over the years and the map editor is very nice (once you figure it out). I did enjoy showing off my chopper skills since I understood the controls before DayZ.
  7. bjwimer

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I am more interested if my poor computer will play it. I am already on low settings with Arma 2. If using Arma 3 engine the price of the game just went up 600$ for me to build a whole new rig to play. Still worth it :)
  8. bjwimer

    population on the decline?

    I am fine with glitches and such since I am one of the few that KNOW this is in alpha stage. That being said, hackers and dis-connectors have caused me to stay away for awhile. I decided to make my private server with friends/family/coworkers and I know I am not the only one that knows how to do that, which makes me think others have decided that route as well. And I just got my beta key for WarZ which will cause more of an absence. It is sad because this was one of those few games I had to play everyday for hours on end. I will be happy to pay for the end result when it becomes stand alone, so see you then.
  9. You don't even have basic gear? Go back to Berezino and gear up then think about traveling to the other side of the "world". You shouldn't travel without at least a compass.
  10. Yet another "player" that has ruined the game since 1.5 DayZ. If you log out and back on it IS the same as server hopping. You just hopped into the same server.
  11. bjwimer

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting]

    More information please. Like what type of servers do you mostly play on. 3rd on or off, player tags on or off, cross hairs, and waypoints on or off. Are you a group that plans on just server hopping until you find that special shiny thing or run around the map on just one server.
  12. Loving this server so far.... Making it our home server. Perfect hours for this night owl to actually get to play during daytime. I play on K2 since I am not a big fan of 3rd person. Did notice you don't have the newest beta (or maybe you do your MOTD just says it's an older one). Just wondering what you thoughts are about players that DC when being shot at. Should we be a tattle tail and tell you here an n0ob.com? Basically it looks like you just want the screen shot and server time/info.
  13. It is funny that people believe in an "end of the world" scenario you wouldn't just be killed for no reason. We do that NOW with the world in relatively good shape. People killing you just because you; believe something different, look different, have something they want, looked at them wrong, cut them off, took their parking space, trolled them on Face Book, and many other reasons that seem valid to the killer. Now imagine no laws where resources are scarce. Do you think all the killing will be lessened? Crazy optimist is crazy. A death match is everyone killing everyone. Not "everyone" is killing. I have found plenty of people that wanted to group up to survive and find the good stuff. Sure I have been shot in the back a few times, however still find those that get what they want then say "thanks" and go about their day. If you remember the name you can see them again in a server and know they are one to trust. Eventually you will have a nice list of names where you can bring them all together and start a campfire swapping stories over beans and Pepsi.
  14. So has the OP been banned from DayZ yet? Exploits are bad.
  15. bjwimer

    Sniper Wars - the Lulz

    You do realize there are like 50 other towns to check out not to mention the random barn and deer stand here and there. I really love it when people complain they die at grand central station because they are in such a hurry to get the "best" gear. Go try and ransack a real military base with just a revolver all by yourself and let me know if you see the shooter. I NEVER go to those locations alone. Even with a good group we still have decent gear to stay alive or at least GTFO if things get too heated for us. We may lose a man or two but we still get what we need and some LOLZ for the campfire.
  16. I have had this happen quite a few times. I remember a game where you had to watch a timer go down 30s before you logged off. This needs to be added for just this reason. Even if you just make the person do the bandage movement before logging out that is still more than enough time.
  17. bjwimer


    Agreed. This is getting to be too big of a problem. On my sniping duty, shot a guy and watched him fall and the Zs around him disappear. A few moments later the same guy (assuming of course no real proof but looked exactly the same gun etc) spawned in a bit to the left of that spot. Only reason I saw him was because I was in an area I can see the whole town. Of course took the shot and he went down again but this time the body "sunk" into the ground like when you select "hide body" in your menu.
  18. bjwimer

    Big crap 1.71.

    I think he exaggerates a tad. 9000m is half the map. So i am guessing the 600hr might be more than the real number. As others have said that is a little rude to complain as you did. This is being done for free and seems to be a labor of love. Just reading the first page of forums you can see the Devs actually take part in RESPECTABLE criticism. We all know there are things that people won't like, but to complain like that will just get you dismissed as a rude whining kid and we move on to some other discussion.
  19. bjwimer


    Oi... I love hearing stories about something that happened in game that gave you an enjoyable experience. But please punctuate a little better. I ran out of breathe reading that, and I wasn't reading out loud. Hope you find your peppi.
  20. bjwimer

    how about KOREAN server?

    I am already losing to Koreans in every other online game out there, please let me have this one. Seriously though, I hope you get to play with the rest of us and enjoy the mod soon. I have always felt gaming seems to be the only place where cross cultures coexist. No matter how many times I get my ass kicked, I still make friends across the world.
  21. bjwimer

    The Life Expectancy guessing thread

    I think it will go up since the makaroni noobs can't shoot everything that moves now. Then they will rage quit because they are not playing survival correctly and go play a more appropriate game for that gameplay. Meanwhile the people that actually play to survive can move without worrying about the COD player running and gunning straight to the nearest town.
  22. I did the test myself just a little further. On a server with no 3rd person view and way points disabled, I emptied everything out and started with a clean slate. It did take me much longer to find items but only because I was being more cautious going through towns. I did find more food/drinks/bandages than guns, of course, but I am sure if this feature is added then gun drops would increase (did find tons of mac ammo so I am sure a mac will be one of those in theory). It was hard only if I inadvertently agrod a Z but again if you can hide from them it shouldn't be a problem. As for player kills, I would always get shot getting close to a main town like Cherno or Elektro, But I feel that would happen no matter what. For my test I did it only during the day. I am afraid of the dark and night time always makes me wonder if my monitor is even on. So I will be excited if/when this is enabled just not playing it at night. EDIT: For full disclosure. I did use one of the many maps on the interwebs to get me around.
  23. Isn't the percentage based on spawning as one person gets in range. So in theory if you are in a group of 5ish that increases the odds. I know it seems the piles gets bigger the more people I have in my group.
  24. bjwimer


    Those other guys have cons for games I would poor my beans all over. This game has brought out the giddy jizzin lil boy I used to be when I would get a game for xmas. I would love to have some sort of fan convention for this game where I can meet you all and buy some sexy cherno gear (shirt Rocket wore at E3). Discuss.
  25. bjwimer

    How much would you pay?

    I pay 50-60 bucks now for brand new games that suck. I def would pay that much for this if it was a stand alone.