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About dcbGuaranteed

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dcbGuaranteed

    Lingor...Get some!

    "Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here!" - Blain
  2. dcbGuaranteed

    Lingor...Get some!

    Dayz Lingor Veteran 24/7 Daylight, Increased Crash Site spawns with Increased Loot, Lots of vehicles, PvP and PvE (missions coming asap) Server IP Do you want some great PvP action or are you a "chicken shit fucking pussy asshole" as Steven Segal would say. With good starting gear and increased crash site spawns with increased loot you will be peeing in butts in no time. This server is both PvP and PvE. Missions will be added asap to give more options on the server but we would like to emphasize PvP more than anything. If you aren't hardcore enough for PvP in Dayz though I can recommend you other games such as Sesame Street and Dora the Explorer. Put your skills to the test here and see what you are made of. We have a nice amount of vehicles and a decent amount of choppers "Get to da Choppa!" Let's see just how Commando you are in your attempt to become Ultimate Badass. Will you be the next Bob Lee Swagger? Or will you just be another skidmark in an old man's underpants.