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Posts posted by Nextep

  1. Found EXACTLY what i were looking for!

    I'm pasting the url with a proxy here, because for some reason Norway is IP banned on this opendayz.net site - for reasons i dont know why, i've even asked in their IRC and not getting any reply. Anyhow, case solved and here is the script; http://www.usawebproxy.com/index.php?q=aHR0cDovL29wZW5kYXl6Lm5ldC90aHJlYWRzL2d1aWRlLWNyZWF0aW5nLXNhZmV6b25lcy45MDE0Lw%3D%3D&hl=36d

    Withouth proxy;



  2. Hello!

    We'd like to build a little base of 3 heli's of each type, so when player's on our server gets disconnected unexppectedly - and their heli crashes etc we can give them a new one. Though, we want to protect it with a dome. Can anyone explain how this work? I've tried googling it, and i cannot find any guidelines on how to set it up, if it's a script or what.

    Thanks in advance--


  3. For a server, IDK. But I do know that if; you run the game via Steam validating your game files in properties will help sometimes. You can try contacting the server hoster, but I would only do that once you've done about 10 well-educated suggestions from this thread, as it's most likely on your end.

    I'll specify a little more: WE are running a server, and we get this error server-side :)

    Really bothers me, because the restart script wont work because we gotta manually click "ok" on this error-popup :P


  4. Sounds like you're either

    missing some files

    have modified required files

    have a script error

    or something else. It seems to me that when ArmA says something that's wrong, either nothing is wrong or it isn't what the actual error is.

    We havent modified required files, it cannot be the script error because the problem is there even if we dont run scripts. We also think we are missing files, but where do we get it?


  5. Hello!

    We're currently having a problem when trying to start our server, we get something along this message; CA_MISSIONS_PMC requires CA_MISSIONS_PMC2.

    I tried moving the addon folder from ARMA over to OA2, didn't help.

    If i just click "ok" on that button, the server starts manually, but this bug prevents my restart script to work :/

    Thanks in advance

  6. Newly started Norwegian whitelisted dayz server with the best possible ping, being located in the best hosting company aswell as the best location in Norway. Running Chernarus, with 24/7 daytime aswell as serious admins.

    We're offering free channel's on our mumble server, and the admins are easy to get ahold of on facebook, mail or through mumble.


